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发布时间:2019-04-28 21:10
【摘要】:本翻译报告尝试从接受美学的角度来研究儿童小说《凯蒂做了什么》(What Katy Did,1872)英译汉的翻译实践。《凯蒂做了什么》美国女作家苏珊·库里奇(Susan Coolidge,1835-1905)的代表作。100多年来,它一直是孩子们最喜欢的作品之一。《凯蒂做了什么》讲述的是12岁美国女孩凯蒂·卡尔和她的家人的历险经历。本翻译报告由五个章节组成。第一章描述了项目的背景意义,进行文献综述和呈现翻译报告的结构。第二章是概述翻译前的准备,包括文本介绍和文本的类型、语言特点分析,相关信息的参考材料和翻译质量控制。第三章介绍本翻译报告的翻译理论础——接受美学,包括接受美学的起源和发展及其在儿童文学翻译中的应用。第四章是对儿童小说《凯蒂做了什么》的翻译案例分析,论述笔者在接受美学理论的指导下所采用的翻译策略,如归化和异化,以及翻译方法,如分译法、省译法和主动句和被动句的转换。最后一章总结全文。本研究得出的结论认为,接受美学理论适用于儿童文学的翻译。接受美学理论对儿童文学翻译研究具有很大的启发和借鉴意义:翻译研究应该从传统的以源语文本为中心转向以读者为中心,只有当文学作品被目标语读者理解和接受,才能实现其美学价值和社会功能。这一理论提高了读者和译者的地位和作用,强调读者积极参与翻译,有助于取得比较好的阅读效果。
[Abstract]:This translation report attempts to study the translation of children's novels into Chinese from the perspective of receptive aesthetics. < what did Katie do > Susan Coolidge (Susan Coolidge, an American female writer. "what did Katie do"? For more than 100 years, it has been one of the children's favorite works. < what did Katie do > about the adventures of 12-year-old American girl Katie Carr and her family. This translation report consists of five chapters. The first chapter describes the background significance of the project, literature review and presentation of the structure of translation reports. The second chapter is an overview of pre-translation preparation, including text introduction and text types, analysis of language characteristics, reference materials for relevant information and translation quality control. The third chapter introduces the translation theory foundation of this translation report-reception aesthetics, including the origin and development of reception aesthetics and its application in the translation of children's literature. Chapter four is a case study of the translation of the children's novel "what did Katie do". It discusses the translation strategies adopted by the author under the guidance of the theory of reception aesthetics, such as domestication and foreignization, as well as translation methods, such as the method of translation. The translation of savings and the conversion of active and passive sentences. The last chapter summarizes the full text. The conclusion of this study is that the theory of reception aesthetics is applicable to the translation of children's literature. The theory of reception aesthetics has great inspiration and reference significance to the translation study of children's literature: translation research should change from the traditional source language text-centered to the reader-centered, only when the literary works are understood and accepted by the target language readers; In order to realize its aesthetic value and social function. This theory improves the position and function of readers and translators, emphasizes the active participation of readers in translation, and helps to achieve better reading results.


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