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发布时间:2019-05-15 18:54
[Abstract]:Business negotiation translation is a kind of cultural communication activity. Due to the different values and other factors, it has caused great obstacles to the faithful transmission of the original text translation, so it is necessary for the translator to have a deep understanding of the source language culture on the one hand. On the other hand, it is necessary to have a deep understanding of the target language culture. Language is the carrier of different cultures, and translation is to transform the two languages into each other and transmit cultural information. As a bridge of cultural transmission, the translation should not only be accepted by the target language readers, but also transmit the source language culture. From the point of view of cultural factors and behavior in the process of business negotiation translation, this paper illustrates the relationship and difference between domestication and foreignization by selecting a certain number of practical examples in the process of business negotiation. And how to use the two translation strategies reasonably in order to be beneficial to the study of business negotiation translation. In the study of domestication and foreignization translation in business negotiations, we should not only limit themselves to the advantages and disadvantages of the two, but also blindly adopt one of them, but should look at these two translation strategies from a dialectical point of view.
【作者单位】: 河南科技大学外国语学院;


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