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发布时间:2019-05-16 12:17
[Abstract]:Writing level is an important index to assess the language ability of foreign language learners. The complexity, accuracy and fluency of writing language are the criteria to measure learners' language development level. This study focuses on the complexity of the output of written language. Language complexity is often investigated from syntactic and lexical aspects. In recent years, the study of writing complexity has gradually increased. Some studies use longitudinal tracking method to explore learners' writing characteristics at different stages of language development or at different levels of writing. Some researchers use crosscutting method to investigate the writing characteristics of different levels of learners. This study examines the output complexity of written language of English majors horizontally from syntactic and lexical aspects. Based on the dynamic system theory, this study investigates and analyzes the syntactic complexity and lexical complexity in the compositions of the three grades of English majors with illustrative text as the genre. This paper mainly discusses the following problems: (1) what are the characteristics of written language in syntactic complexity of students majoring in English major 1 / 3? (2) the lexical complexity of written language of students majoring in English major 1 / 3. What are the characteristics of language complexity writing? (3) what is the relationship between learners' writing scores of language complexity? This paper collects 30 essays of Grade 1, Grade 2 and Grade 3 of English majors in Jiangxi Province, with a total of 90 essays. Four indexes of syntactic complexity are investigated: clause length (W 鈮,




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