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发布时间:2019-05-20 02:20
[Abstract]:Backwash, also known as backwash effect, refers to the impact of testing on teaching and learning. For a long time, many scholars at home and abroad have studied this complex phenomenon from various dimensions. In recent years, the research on the backwash effect of large-scale and high-risk exams in the field of language teaching and testing has increased obviously, and many scholars at home and abroad have studied the backwash effect of CET-4. However, throughout all the studies, the general backwash effect is more than the specific backwash effect, the research on the backwash effect of CET-4 on teaching is the most, but the research on the backwash effect of students' learning is very few. Since the June 2016 examination, the National CET-4 examination Committee has made local adjustments to the listening part of CET-4, and there is still a gap in the empirical research on the impact of the adjustment on students' listening learning. Therefore, based on the backwash hypothesis of Alderson and Wall and the "PPP" model of Hughes and Bailey, this paper aims to investigate the backwash effect of CET-4 listening test on students' listening learning after the reform in June 2016. Specifically, this paper mainly investigates the backwash effect of the reformed CET-4 listening test on students' English listening learning, and what aspects are embodied in it. Whether the backwash effect is due to the difference in students' English level and, if so, what kind of difference there is. In this study, questionnaire and interview were used to collect qualitative data and quantitative data. The subjects were 360 non-English majors who had taken CET-4 (CET-4 after June 2016). The results show that CET-4 has both positive and negative backwash effects on students' listening learning, which is manifested in students' listening learning attitude, learning strategies and learning behavior. Moreover, CET-4 listening test has different backwash effects on different students. Generally speaking, the positive backwash effect is greater than the negative backwash effect. According to the results of the study, this paper puts forward some suggestions to promote the positive backwash effect and reduce the negative backwash effect of the new CET-4 listening test on students' English listening learning.


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