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发布时间:2019-05-19 14:17
[Abstract]:With the development of economic globalization and world integration, the relationship between countries has become more and more close, and the demand for interpreters is also increasing day by day. Compared with simultaneous interpretation, consecutive Interpreting is more widely used in cross-cultural communication, and accompanying interpretation is the most common form of consecutive Interpreting. The focus of academic research is often on consecutive Interpreting and simultaneous interpretation, but there is relatively little discussion on the subjectivity of interpreters in accompanying interpretation. Therefore, the author tries to explore the application of interpretation skills from the perspective of subjectivity from the perspective of self-accompanying interpretation practice. Starting from the concepts, types and characteristics of interpretation and accompanying interpretation, this paper leads to the subjectivity of interpreters in accompanying interpretation, and then analyzes what constraints the interpreters have when they give full play to their subjectivity, such as ideological and cultural differences. The influence of various factors, such as language expression ability. Finally, through the combination of their own practical experience, this paper discusses how to give full play to the subjectivity of interpreters and apply various interpretation skills, such as literal translation, analogy and additional translation, so as to improve the quality of accompanying interpretation.


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