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发布时间:2019-05-28 23:31
【摘要】:此次翻译实践的源材料是《翻译质量评估:历史与现状》(Translation Quality Assessment)。作者茱莉安·豪斯是世界上最著名的翻译质量评估模式的提出者。她在书中对有关翻译的当代跨学科研究作了概述,并对自己之前提出翻译质量评估模式进行了全面地修正和改进。豪斯的这本翻译著作为翻译质量评估领域和翻译批评领域注入了新的血液。这部作品属于翻译类的学术著作,语言上具有严谨、规范的特点。面对这个信息型文本,译者决定将功能对等理论作为此次翻译实践的理论基础。在翻译过程中,译者遇到的语言难点主要是外国人名、术语、长句和定语从句。在处理这些翻译难点的过程中,译者切身体会到翻译的每一步都很重要,译前准备、初译过程以及译后审校缺一不可;另外,灵活、合理地使用各种翻译方法是保证翻译质量的关键。本篇翻译实践报告由六部分组成。第一部分介绍了翻译项目的来源、背景和意义。第二部分包括对作者、翻译作品以及作品的语言难点的介绍。第三部分是对翻译过程的描述,其中包括译前准备、初译过程和译后审校。第四部分主要介绍了此次翻译实践的理论基础,并详述了译者在功能对等理论的指导下采取的翻译方法。第五部分是案例分析,译者针对不同的难点采取了不同的翻译方法。普通词汇的翻译主要运用了词性转换法、直译法与意译法、增词法和减词法。长句的翻译策略则主要有顺译法、调序法、切分法和综合法。而前置法、并列法和融合法在定语从句的翻译中常被使用。第六部分是结语,主要总结了笔者在此次翻译实践中获得的经验,同时也反思了自己的不足之处。此次翻译的作品是目前为数不多的几部有关翻译评估的学术专著之一,因此具有很高的理论价值。而此部翻译著作又是理论研究与实证研究的结合,因而实践价值也很高。由此可见,该翻译项目兼具理论意义和实践意义。通过此次的翻译实践,笔者的翻译实践能力和理论水平都有所提升。
[Abstract]:The source material of this translation practice is "Translation quality Assessment: history and present situation" (Translation Quality Assessment). Julian House is the author of the most famous translation quality evaluation model in the world. In her book, she summarizes the contemporary interdisciplinary research on translation, and makes a comprehensive revision and improvement of her previous translation quality evaluation model. House's translation has injected new blood into the field of translation quality assessment and translation criticism. This work belongs to the translation academic work, the language has the rigorous, the standard characteristic. In the face of this informative text, the translator decides to take the theory of functional equivalence as the theoretical basis of this translation practice. In the process of translation, the language difficulties encountered by translators are mainly foreign names, terms, long sentences and attributive clauses. In the process of dealing with these translation difficulties, the translator realizes that every step of translation is very important, and the preparation before translation, the process of initial translation and the revision after translation are indispensable. In addition, flexible and reasonable use of various translation methods is the key to ensure translation quality. This translation practice report consists of six parts. The first part introduces the source, background and significance of the translation project. The second part includes the introduction of the author, the translated works and the language difficulties of the works. The third part is the description of the translation process, including pre-translation preparation, initial translation process and post-translation revision. The fourth part mainly introduces the theoretical basis of the translation practice, and details the translation methods adopted by the translator under the guidance of functional equivalence theory. The fifth part is a case study, in which the translator adopts different translation methods according to different difficulties. The translation of ordinary words mainly uses part-of-speech conversion, literal translation and free translation, adding words and subtractive words. The translation strategies of long sentences mainly include sequential translation, sequencing, segmentation and synthesis. The preposition method, parallel method and fusion method are often used in the translation of attributive clauses. The sixth part is the conclusion, which mainly summarizes the experience gained by the author in this translation practice, and also reflects on his own shortcomings. The translated works are one of the few academic monographs on translation evaluation, so they are of high theoretical value. This translation work is the combination of theoretical research and empirical research, so the practical value is also very high. Thus it can be seen that the translation project has both theoretical and practical significance. Through this translation practice, the author's translation practice ability and theoretical level have been improved.


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