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发布时间:2019-06-03 17:55
[Abstract]:Tea ancient books are the concentrated embodiment of tea culture and an important way for people to accurately understand tea culture. Translators should pay special attention to the cultural connotation in translation to ensure that these deep meanings will not be lost or deformed in the process of cross-cultural communication. This paper first introduces the cultural connotation contained in the ancient tea books, and holds that its connotation is mainly composed of "propriety" and "degree" in Confucianism, "Taoist nature" in Taoist thought and "meditation and enlightenment" in Buddhist thought. Then it explains the translation methods of the cultural connotation of tea ancient books, and points out that the translator should adopt appropriate translation methods to interpret these contents on the basis of a comprehensive understanding of the original text and based on the similarities and differences between the two cultures. Promote the dissemination and development of Chinese culture in the international cultural arena.
【作者单位】: 齐齐哈尔大学公共外语部;


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