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发布时间:2019-06-08 17:19
[Abstract]:Since ancient times, historical academic monographs have been respected by the world for their huge length, objective and fair discussion of historical facts and rich and colorful forms of presentation. Historical academic monographs have their own characteristics, and the translation of this kind of texts also has different theories and ways from other literary types. The most important feature of this kind of translation is to rely on the original text, accurate words, professional, historical facts need to be justified, can stand textual research. The purpose of this paper is to explore the difficulties in the translation practice of Citizenship-Chronicle of the French Revolution, as well as the translation skills and strategies used by the author. The book is a historical academic monograph about the French Revolution to be published by the Commercial Press. It has a rigorous style of writing, complex sentence patterns and a wide range of historical figures and events. Based on the translation of the preface and postscript of the book, the translation report describes the whole translation process in detail, and discusses the criteria and translation methods that should be followed in the translation of such texts from the lexical and sentence levels through cases. The content of this report is divided into five parts. The first part briefly introduces the basic situation of the translation project, including the project introduction, project analysis and project significance, and the second part describes the translation process, including pre-translation preparation, translation process planning and translation quality assurance measures. The third part analyzes the translation standards and translation strategies used by the author in dealing with proper nouns and common words, and the fourth part discusses some translation skills and strategies used by the author in dealing with complex sentence patterns. The fifth part is the summary of this translation practice, puts forward the problems and shortcomings in the process of practice, summarizes the experience and lessons, and expounds my own experience in translation practice. Through this translation practice, I have accumulated some experience in the translation of academic monographs of history, which is of great significance to continue to undertake this kind of translation in the future.


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