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发布时间:2019-06-20 13:05
【摘要】:话轮转换是会话分析研究最重要的部分之一,其研究对象是在日常生活中自然发生的口语交际。国内话轮转换研究关注自然状态下的非机构性会话的研究较少,关注陌生人之间的自然发生的交际更是少之又少。本文最重要的一个研究目的是分析陌生人在自然状态下的交际中,在话轮构建单位上、话轮转换上以及话轮控制策略上的特点。笔者选择了以观察实验为目的的电视节目《你会怎么做》作为分析对象,以Gail Jefferson发明的转写系统为基础对其进行转写及研究。本文主要采用了描述法、分析法和列举法进行分析论证,主要发现了陌生人交际中的一些话轮转换特殊规律并尝试建立了新的话轮转换规则及几条常用的话轮控制策略,主要如下:在转换关联位置之前发生话轮转换,可以分为发生于“前”听话者之间的重叠和发生于当前说话者与听话者之间的重叠两类:前者的发生原因一般为说话者之间持有相同或相似的观点和交际目的,试图互相帮助共同向陌生人阐明我方的想法或观点。后者的发生原因主要有急于安慰、质疑反驳、迫切表态、情绪激动以及对转换关联位置的判断失误等;过了转换关联位置仍未发生话轮转换的一般情况有无人竞争或自选成为说话者,而说话者也无意继续以及被选为说话者的人拒绝说话等两种:在转换关联位置发生话轮转换的特殊规律有:(1)当前说话者选择了下一说话者时,其他人仍能抢先自选,接过话轮。(2)当前说话者选择的下一说话者的对象不止一人时,被选人群中常常有一个人自选成为说话者接过话轮。(3)有两个以上的说话者同时开口说话,自选成为下一说话者,如果一方是上一话轮的说话者,则其更有可能取得下一个话轮权。(4)有两个以上的说话者同时开口说话,自选成为下一说话者,如果一方开头为连接成分,一方开头为实义成分,那么往往是以连接成分开头的人退出竞争。常见的话轮控制策略分为话轮索取策略、话轮保持策略与话轮出让策略。其中,话轮索取策略可以分为使用言语性成分和非言语性成分两种,前者包括打断、插入连词、使用插入语等。在越接近转换关联位置处使用索取策略,越能提高交际效率。非言语性的话轮索取策略必须为当前说话者接收才能发挥作用,注视和靠近是最常用的两种非言语性的话轮索取策略,二者同时使用能达到更好的效果;话轮保持策略有加快语速、提高音量、插入衔接成分、索取反馈信号、拉长音节等。加快语速和提高音量通常成对出现,插入衔接成分的位置必须越靠近转换关联位置越好;话轮出让策略有利于会话参与者判断转换关联位置,避免重叠现象以及话轮间的停顿过长的现象,常使用的出让策略有:使用称呼、提问以及停止说话等。本文的特点及贡献创新点主要在于,以观察实验为目的的实录型电视节目中的会话作为研究对象,选材新颖,不仅克服了现存的基础语料中的自然性和口语性缺乏的问题,还有效地得到了全方位记录语言实际的素材,提出了更加完善的话轮转换规则,有利于促进汉语会话分析话轮转换规律的全面研究。此外,笔者绝对尊重语言实际,以语言事实作为研究基础,补充了规则之外的“特殊现象”,并提供解释,完善了汉语口语交际的会话研究。
[Abstract]:The word-wheel conversion is one of the most important parts of the session analysis, and its research object is the oral communication that occurs naturally in the daily life. The research on the non-institutional conversation in the natural state is less, and it is less and less important to pay attention to the natural occurrence of the stranger. The most important purpose of this paper is to analyze the characteristics of a stranger's communication in a natural state, on a session-wheel construction unit, on a session-wheel conversion, and a session-wheel control strategy. The author has selected the TV program to observe the experiment as the purpose. How do you do> as an analysis object, write and study it on the basis of the transfer system of the Gail Jefferson invention. In this paper, the description method, the analysis method and the enumeration method are used for the analysis and demonstration. The special rules of some words in the communication of the stranger are mainly found, and the new rules of the wheel transformation and several commonly used wheel control strategies are set up. The main results are as follows: in that event of a transition of the session prior to the transition of the associate location, the overlap between the "Front" listener and the overlap between the current speaker and the listener occur, Try to help each other to set out our ideas or views to strangers. The reason of the latter is to be anxious to comfort, to challenge the rebuttal, the urgent position, the emotional excitement and the judgment error of the related position of the conversion, etc.; the general situation that the conversion association position still does not have the change of the session wheel has no competition or self-choice to be the speaker, While the speaker does not intend to continue and the person selected as the speaker refuses to speak, and the like: (1) when the current speaker selects the next speaker, the other person can still advance the self-selection and take the session wheel. And (2) when the object of the next speaker selected by the current speaker is more than one person, a person in the selected group is often selected to be the speaker receiving wheel. (3) More than two speakers speak at the same time and choose to be the next speaker, and if one is the speaker of the previous one, it is more likely that the next speaker will be obtained. (4) There are more than two speakers who speak at the same time and choose to be the next speaker. If one of the speakers is the connection component, the one begins to be a real component, then it is often the person who starts with the connection component to exit the competition. The common word-wheel control strategy is divided into two-wheel request strategy, session-wheel maintenance strategy and session-wheel transfer strategy. In which, the request strategy of the session wheel can be divided into two types: the use of the speech component and the non-verbal component, the former includes the interruption, the insertion of the connection word, the use of the insertion language, and the like. The higher the access strategy is used, the more the communication efficiency can be improved. the non-verbal-speaking-wheel request strategy must be received by the current speaker to play a role, and the two non-verbal information-driven strategies which are the most commonly used can be obtained at the same time, both of which can achieve a better effect; and the session-wheel holding strategy has the advantages of speeding up the speech speed and increasing the volume, Insert the cohesive component, ask for feedback signal, lengthen the syllable, etc. the speed and the volume of the conversation are usually paired in pairs, the closer the position of the inserted connecting component is closer to the better of the conversion correlation position, the conversation wheel transfer strategy is favorable for the conversation participants to judge the conversion relation position, avoid the overlapping phenomenon and the phenomenon that the pause between the conversation wheels is too long, The commonly used transfer strategies include the use of the address, the question, and the stop of the speech. The characteristic and contribution innovation point of this paper is to observe the session in the real-recorded television program for the purpose of observing the experiment as the research object, and the material selection is novel, not only the problem of the lack of naturalness and spoken language in the existing basic material is overcome, It is also effective to obtain the material of all-round recording language, and put forward a more perfect wheel transformation rule, which is beneficial to the comprehensive study of the law of the Chinese conversation analysis. In addition, the author absolutely respects the reality of the language, uses the language fact as the basis of the research, supplements the "special phenomena" outside the rule, and provides the explanation, and the session study of the oral communication of the Chinese is improved.


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