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发布时间:2019-06-26 12:00
[Abstract]:Listening is one of the important factors that affect people's communication, and listening is ranked first among the four basic skills of language teaching. However, it is difficult to improve students' listening skills and listening comprehension in practical English listening teaching, which is also a great challenge for teachers. Listening includes three stages: pre-listening, listening and post-listening. Some studies on pre-listening activities have shown that pre-listening activities can really improve students' listening comprehension. However, the study of pre-listening activities, especially the pre-listening activities of junior high school students, needs to be further studied. The purpose of this study is to explore the influence of English prelistening activities on listening comprehension of junior high school students and the change of students' attitude towards preauditory activities before and after the experiment. In this study, the author mainly wants to solve two problems: (1) does pre-listening activities have a significant impact on students' listening comprehension? If so, what is the impact? (2) what are the changes in students' attitudes towards pre-listening activities before and after the experiment? After the experiment, what form and type of pre-listening activities do students like? The subjects were 77 students from two classes in Grade one of a middle school in Nanchang. The English teachers in these two classes are the author himself, and they are divided into experimental group and control group. Before the experiment, both classes were tested before the experiment. At the same time, the author also conducted a survey on the students' attitude towards pre-listening activities in the experimental class. The results of pre-test showed that there was no significant difference in listening level between the two classes. Subsequently, the experimental class received four months of pre-listening training. At the end of the experiment, the author conducted a post-test questionnaire survey in the experimental class and asked the experimental group to take part in the post-test. All the data were input into SPSS19.0, through descriptive statistics, matched sample test and independent sample test to analyze the influence of pre-listening activities on students' listening comprehension and the changes of students' attitude towards pre-listening activities before and after the experiment. Based on the data obtained, the following conclusions are drawn: (1) pre-listening activities are helpful to students' listening comprehension. The results of pre-test show that the English listening level of the two classes is similar. However, after the experiment, the average score of listening in the experimental group is higher than that in the control group, which indicates that there is a significant difference in the listening level between the two classes. The results of the two tests show that pre-listening activities have a significant effect on students' listening comprehension ability, and it can improve students' listening comprehension ability. (2) the results of pre-test questionnaire and post-test questionnaire show that students' attitude towards pre-listening activities has changed greatly before and after the experiment. After the experiment, students think that they can make better use of listening strategies such as prediction, inference and guessing according to keywords and content. At the same time, they also think that teachers provide some new words and background knowledge related to listening content is of great help to their listening comprehension. However, they are still nervous in the face of strange listening content. In addition, they said they had a better understanding of pre-listening activities after the experiment. Finally, students say they like lively pre-listening activities such as videos and songs, and think that pre-listening activities such as preteaching vocabulary and providing background knowledge are more helpful to listening comprehension. Finally, the author puts forward some suggestions on how to help students improve their listening comprehension. For example, use different pre-listening activities in listening class; teach students how to use listening strategies and what preparations should be made before listening; create a comfortable environment and provide background knowledge, etc. At the same time, the author also puts forward some suggestions for further research.


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