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发布时间:2019-06-26 19:01
【摘要】:一直以来,英语写作都是我国高中英语教学中的一个重要板块。作为语言输出的重要手段之一,英语写作是英语学习者必备的能力。在日常英语写作中,英语学习者时常会遇到很多问题。众所周知,写作需要思维的参与。因此,许多学者试着从思维的角度去解决这些问题。而思辨能力作为一种重要的思维能力,将其与英语写作联系起来的研究是很有必要的。基于国内外思辨能力相关理论以及思辨能力与英语写作的相关实证研究,本文选取成都某农村高中的120名高三学生作为研究对象,采用沃森——格拉瑟思辨能力评价量表(WGCTA)对学生的思辨能力进行测量,并采用改编自文秋芳、刘润清的议论文写作评分标准对学生作文“My view on using cars”进行批阅,测量结果用SPSS 20.0进行量化分析并对写作测试文本进行质性分析,将量化和质性研究相结合,旨在探究高中学生的思辨能力特点以及英语写作与农村高中学生的思辨能力的相关性。研究结果显示:第一,农村高中学生的思辨能力发展水平还有待提升。其中,农村高中学生掌握得最好的分技能是假设的认可,掌握得最差的是推理。第二,通过量化分析,皮尔逊相关系数结果显示,农村高中生整体思辨能力与写作能力呈显著正相关。而且推理、假设的认可、演绎、解释(或说明)以及论述的评价这五个思辨能力分技能与农村高中生的英语写作水平也呈正相关性。第三,通过对学生写作文本的质性分析,研究者发现学生在论点明确上做得最好,而在说理的透彻性上表现得相对较差。但学生的总体思辨能力与学生在写作过程中的切题性、明确性、连贯性和透彻性都呈正相关。最后,作者根据研究结果提出了一些实质性的建议。同时,本研究还存在很多局限性,在今后的研究中有待进一步探究。
[Abstract]:For a long time, English writing has been an important part of English teaching in senior high schools in China. As one of the important means of language output, English writing is a necessary ability for English learners. In daily English writing, English learners often encounter many problems. As we all know, writing requires the participation of thinking. Therefore, many scholars try to solve these problems from the perspective of thinking. As an important thinking ability, it is necessary to link it with English writing. Based on the relevant theories of speculative ability at home and abroad and the relevant empirical research on speculative ability and English writing, this paper selects 120 senior high school students from a rural high school in Chengdu as the research object, measures the students' speculative ability by using Watson Glather speculative ability Evaluation scale (WGCTA), and reviews the students' composition "My view on using cars" by using the argumentative writing scoring standard adapted from Wen Qiufang and Liu Runqing. The measurement results are analyzed quantitatively by SPSS 20.0 and qualitative analysis of writing test texts. The purpose of this study is to explore the characteristics of speculative ability of senior high school students and the correlation between English writing and speculative ability of rural senior high school students. The results show that: first, the development level of speculative ability of rural high school students still needs to be improved. Among them, the best skills mastered by rural high school students are hypothetical recognition, and the worst ones are reasoning. Secondly, through quantitative analysis, the results of Pearson correlation coefficient show that there is a significant positive correlation between the overall speculative ability and writing ability of rural high school students. Moreover, reasoning, hypothetical recognition, deduction, explanation (or explanation) and evaluation of argumentation are also positively correlated with the English writing level of rural senior high school students. Thirdly, through the qualitative analysis of the students' writing texts, the researchers find that the students do the best in the clarity of the argument, but the penetration of the reasoning is relatively poor. However, students' overall speculative ability is positively correlated with students' relevance, clarity, coherence and penetration in the process of writing. Finally, according to the results of the study, the author puts forward some substantive suggestions. At the same time, there are still many limitations in this study, which need to be further explored in the future.


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