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发布时间:2019-06-27 12:49
[Abstract]:The content of this translation report is excerpted from the third part of Water Security, which is mainly about the practice of water security. The theme of this section is the political and technical factors to be taken into account in the development of water safety indicators. The purpose of translating this book is to meet the needs of water conservancy and hydropower specialty and water culture research in the translator's colleges and universities. At present, there are not many studies on water security in China. To some extent, this book reflects the frontline of foreign countries in the field of water culture series research, and has great reference significance for the research and development of domestic water culture. The text of this book belongs to academic literature, and the translation process adopts teamwork translation. Under the guidance of Eugene Nida's functional equivalence Theory, the translator adopts the corresponding translation strategies and techniques to solve the problems in the process of translation. The translator adopts the translation methods of adding translation and saving translation to solve the lexical problems; through the analysis of the composition of the long difficult sentences and the restructuring of the long difficult sentences to solve the translation problems at the syntactic level; at the pragmatic translation level, the translator adopts equivalence translation and unequal translation strategies. The translator hopes to improve his translation practice ability through this project translation, and at the same time provide reference for the processing of academic literature text translation.


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