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发布时间:2019-06-29 15:31
[Abstract]:The cohesion between college English and senior high school English teaching has been paid great attention to by educators. It has been four years since the implementation of the new high school English curriculum reform in Guangxi in 2012, and the first batch of senior high school students who received the new curriculum reform education have now entered the university. Under this background, starting with the adaptation of freshmen to the initial stage of college English teaching after the new curriculum reform, this paper makes a questionnaire survey among freshmen, compares the differences and existing problems between university and senior high school teaching methods and methods, and puts forward some countermeasures: University teachers should pay attention to the connection of teaching methods, strengthen the guidance of students' learning content and the use of learning strategies, in the era of "Internet", Guide students to use the network to improve cross-cultural awareness and cultivate autonomous learning ability in the process of college English learning.
【作者单位】: 广西师范学院外国语学院大学外语部;


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