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发布时间:2019-07-10 10:47
[Abstract]:This report belongs to the practice of interview interpretation, and the "to bring international friends to the world" interview activities organized by the international on-line are the analysis data. Under the guidance of the interpretation theory and energy distribution model, the problems existing in the interpretation process and the coping strategies are discussed, and the problems such as the translation method of the core vocabulary of the Chinese traditional culture and the characteristics of the interview and interpretation are analyzed in the light of the characteristics of the information. The full text is divided into four chapters. The first chapter gives a brief introduction to the background and character of the task; in the second chapter, the process of interpretation is described in the three parts of the translation before and after the translation, in which the preparation work is the main focus of this chapter; and the case analysis of the third chapter is the core part of the report. This chapter, in combination with the concrete examples in the process of interpretation, first discusses the problems encountered in the practice, and discusses the method of solving the problem by combining the learned knowledge and the translated reflection. The selection of the interpretation language style and the translation method of the cultural load word are discussed. The fourth chapter summarizes the characteristics of the interview interpretation and the advantages and disadvantages of this practice. Based on the interpretation theory, this report is based on the interpretation theory and is designed to explore a series of problems and methods in the process of interpretation. It is hoped that this study can provide reference for similar interpretation practice.


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