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发布时间:2019-08-13 09:42
[Abstract]:The study shows that there are two tendencies in traditional translation textbooks, one is to emphasize "prescriptive" rather than "descriptive" in style, and the other is to emphasize "practice" rather than "theory" in content. In contrast, although the later translation textbooks have theories, they do not solve the problem of combining theory with practice. In order to establish a new translation textbook system, the author puts forward the "descriptive" principle of textbook compilation and the "concept construction" model of translation teaching. This paper is a review and reflection on the author's application of these theories in compiling basic Translation, in order to make teachers use this textbook more effectively, and to find out the remaining problems in order to perfect the system.
【作者单位】: 广东外语外贸大学;


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