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发布时间:2017-03-28 01:14


【关键词】:支架理论 建构主义教学理论 英语写作教学 兴趣 信心
  • Acknowledgements3-4
  • Abstract4-6
  • 摘要6-10
  • Chapter One Introduction10-15
  • 1.1 Research Background10-12
  • 1.1.1 The New Senior English Curriculum Syllabus Requirementsfor English Writing10
  • 1.1.2 The Present Situation of English Writing Teaching in Senior High School10-12
  • 1.2 Research Purpose and Research Questions12
  • 1.3 Methodology12-13
  • 1.4 Significance13
  • 1.5 The Structure of the Thesis13-15
  • Chapter Two The Literature Review15-20
  • 2.1 Theoretical Basis15-16
  • 2.1.1 Learning Theory Constructivism15
  • 2.1.2 Teaching Theory of Constructivism15-16
  • 2.2 Current Research Home and Abroad16-17
  • 2.2.1 Studies on Scaffolding Instruction Abroad16
  • 2.2.2 Related Domestic Researches16-17
  • 2.3 Definition of Scaffolding Instruction17-18
  • 2.4 Scaffolding Teaching Thought18-20
  • 2.4.1 Roles of Students and Teachers18
  • 2.4.2 The Steps and Procedures of Scaffolding Instruction18-20
  • Chapter Three Research Methodology20-29
  • 3.1 Research Objectives20
  • 3.2 Research Design20-29
  • 3.2.1 Participants20-21
  • 3.2.2 Research Methods21
  • 3.2.3 Instruments21-23
  • The Pre- Test Paper and Post-Test Paper21-22
  • Questionnaires22
  • Open-Ended questionnaire22-23
  • 3.2.4 Data Collection23
  • 3.2.5 Teaching Phases for Writing23-24
  • 3.2.6 Experimental Procedures24-25
  • 3.2.7 Design of teaching procedures25-29
  • Chapter Four Data Analysis and Discussion29-54
  • 4.1 Results of the Questionnaires at the Beginning of the Experiment29-34
  • 4.1.1 Result from the Close-Ended Questionnaire29-34
  • 4.1.2 Results from the Open-Ended Questionnaire34
  • 4.2 Results of the Pre-Test34-38
  • 4.3 Implementation of the Teaching Design38-39
  • 4.4 Results of the Post-Test39-47
  • 4.5 Results of the Questionnaire at the End of the Experiment47-51
  • 4.5.1 Close-Ended Questionnaire47-49
  • 4.5.2 Open-Ended Questionnaire after Experiment49-51
  • 4.6 Discussion51-54
  • Chapter Five Conclusion54-57
  • 5.1 the Main Findings54
  • 5.2 the Implications for English Teaching54-55
  • 5.3 Limitations of the Study55-56
  • 5.4 Suggestions for Future Study56-57
  • References57-60
  • Appendix1: Detailed Grading Rules of College Entrance Examination on English Composition60-61
  • Appendix2: Questionnaire about Students' English Writing Status in Experimental Class before the Experiment61-62
  • Appendix3: Questionnaire about Students' English Writing Status in Control Class before the Experiment62-63
  • Appendix4: the Topic of the Pre-Test Examination in Experimental class and Control Class before Experiment63-64
  • Appendix5: Form of Score Registration of the Two Classes before and after the Experiment64-66
  • Appendix6: The Statistics of Different Aspects of Pre- Test before Experiment66-67
  • Appendix7: the Topic of the Examination in Experimental Class and Control Class after Experiment67-68
  • Appendix8: The Statistics of Different Aspects of Post- Test after Experiment68-69
  • Appendix9: Evaluation Forms69-71
  • Appendix10: Questionnaire about Students' Attitude Towards Scaffolding Method in Experimental Class after the Experiment71-72
  • Appendix11: Questionnaire about Students' English Writing Status in Experimental Class after the Experiment72-73
  • Appendix12: Questionnaire about Students' English Writing Status in Control Class after the Experiment73-74
  • Appendix13: the Open- Ended Questionnaire for the Two Classes74-75
  • Appendix14: A Case of English Writing in Senior High School in Control Class75-76
  • Appendix15: A Case of English Writing in Senior High School under the Guidance of Scaffolding Theory76-80
  • Appendix16: A Case of English Writing in Senior High School under the Guidance of Scaffolding Theory80-88
  • Appendix17: Mind Maps from Experimental Class88-89
  • Appendix18: Three Compositions from Control Class89-90
  • Appendix19: Two Results of the Open- Ended Questionnaire from Control Class90-91
  • Appendix20: Two Results of the Open- Ended Questionnaire from Experimental Class91-92
  • Appendix21: Three Compositions from Experimental Class92-93
  • Appendix22: Steps the Author Adopted While Conducting Scaffolding Teaching Model93-94


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中国硕士学位论文全文数据库 前6条

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2 邵卫华;支架式教学对大学英语写作的效果研究[D];苏州大学;2010年

3 徐惠燕;支架式教学法在高中英语写作教学中的应用[D];福建师范大学;2009年

4 付冬梅;“支架”理论在高中英语写作中的应用[D];江西师范大学;2006年

5 裴雪慧;合作学习模式在高职生英语词汇学习中的应用研究[D];江西师范大学;2006年

6 王淑华;建构主义理论在高中英语写作教学中的运用[D];华中师范大学;2004年





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