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发布时间:2020-10-11 00:30
   一词多义是语言中非常普遍的现象,是人类语言发展的产物。一词多义现象,也一直是语言学界研究的热点话题。不同的学者,运用不同的理论,从不同角度对这一现象进行了探讨。绝大多数研究围绕的中心点都是一词多义现象产生的历史和社会原因,或是探索多义词心理表征的发展模式,而专门以人体词为切入点对多义词的认知机制进行研究的文章却相对较少。孔子《系辞》中“近取诸身,远取诸物”的说法表明,古代社会里,人们在面对陌生世界时,倾向于从自身出发,以身体作为衡量外部世界的标准,将身体部位和认知经验映射到其它对象上。Weller,E.在Metaphor and Meaning一书中也提及:“人是衡量一切事物的标准”。这些观点,论证了认知语言学的哲学基础是“体验哲学”这一观点,也就是人们通过对世界上各种事物的感知和对自己身体的认识来描述语言,同时也体现了人体词在人类认识世界过程中不容忽视的作用。传统研究使用转喻理论和隐喻理论来解释多义词从本义到引申义的延伸,很少使用原型理论和意向图示理论来解释多义现象的认知过程。本文拟立足前人研究,将原型理论、意向图示理论与隐喻、转喻联系起来,以头/head、心/heart、背/back三组人体词为个案,探索人体词一词多义的认知机制,具化原型理论和意向图示理论在解释人体词词义延伸过程中的重要作用;通过对英汉人体词词义延伸规律进行比较,找出其不同点,并就其原因进行分析探索,以期揭示以人体词为基础所反映的英汉民族的认知差异及人类认识思维的普遍规律,并就其对词汇教学和亲子教育的启示进行探讨,填补以人体词为基础的一词多义现象研究的空白。本文在运用隐喻、转喻、原型理论和意向图示在分析英汉人体多义词过程中,有以下发现:一、多义词的认知离不开原型和意向图示,以隐喻和转喻为基础、原型和意向图示为补充,是人类认知的普遍规律。二、在历史文化差异、想象的不同以及语言自身任意性特点的长期影响下,英汉相对应的人体词存在语义空缺。三、与英语人体多义词相比较,汉语人体词在表示心理活动和社会活动方面具备更多词义。
Chapter One Introduction
    1.1 Research Background
    1.2 Methodology
    1.3 Corpus Collection
    1.4 Significance and Objectives
    1.5 Organization of the Dissertation
Chapter Two Literature Review
    2.1 Previous Researches on Polysemy
        2.1.1 Researches on Polysemy in Early Lexical Semantic Field
        2.1.2 Researches on Polysemy in Syntactic Field
        2.1.3 Researches on Polysemy in Cognitive field
        2.1.4 Researches on Polysemy in Language Teaching and Acquisition Field
        2.1.5 Researches on Polysemy in Psychological Field
    2.2 Previous Researches on Body Words
        2.2.1 Researches on Body Words about Its Evolution Process
        2.2.2 Researches on Body Words about Its Emotional Metaphor
        2.2.3 Researches on Body Words about Its Other Aspects
    2.3 Summary
Chapter Three Theoretical Foundation
    3.1 The Prototype Category Theory
        3.1.1 The Classical Theory of Categorization
        3.1.2 The New Theory of Categorization
    3.2 Metaphor
        3.2.1 Definition of Metaphor
        3.2.2 Working Mechanism of Metaphor
        3.2.3 Features of Metaphor
        3.2.4 Classifications of Metaphor
    3.3 Metonymy
        3.3.1 Definition of Metonymy
        3.3.2 Two Main Views to Types of Metonymy
        3.3.3 Operational Way of Metonymy
    3.4 Image- schematic Theory
        3.4.1 Senses of Image Schema
        3.4.2 Dynamic Nature of Image Schema
        3.4.3 Typical Basic Image Schema
    3.5 Summary
Chapter Four The Analysis of Meanings of Three Pairs of Body Words
    4.1 The Original Meaning of Head/Tou, Heart/Xin and Back/Bei
        4.1.1 The Arbitrary Feature of Original Meaning
        4.1.2 Prototypical Feature of Original Meaning
    4.2 The Extended Meanings of Head/Tou, Heart/Xin and Back/Bei
    4.3 The Analysis of Extended Meanings of Head/Tou
        4.3.1 The Metaphorical Meanings of Head and Tou
        4.3.2 The Metonymic Meanings of Head and Tou
        4.3.3 The Comparison of Extended Meanings of Head and Tou
    4.4 The Analysis of Extended Meanings of Heart/Xin
        4.4.1 The Metaphorical Meanings of Heart/Xin
        4.4.2 The Metonymic Meanings of Heart/Xin
        4.4.3 The Comparison of Extended Meanings of Heart and Xin
    4.5 The Analysis of Extended Meanings of Back/Bei
        4.5.1 The Metaphorical Meanings of Back and Bei
        4.5.2 The Metonymic Meanings of Back/Bei
    4.6 Summary
Chapter Five Results and Discussion
    5.1 Results of the Analysis
    5.2 Reasons for the Cognitive Differences Between Chinese and English
        5.2.1 Difference in Historical Culture
        5.2.2 Difference in Association
        5.2.3 The Arbitrariness Feature of Language Itself
    5.3 Summary
Chapter Six Conclusion
    6.1 Major Findings
    6.2 Inspirations for Education
        6.2.1 Inspirations for Second Language Vocabulary Teaching
        6.2.2 Inspirations for Parent-child Education
    6.3 Limitations and Prospects for Further Research


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3 张言军;;试析句法、语用对多义词义项提取的管控作用——以多义词“明天”为例[J];廊坊师范学院学报(社会科学版);2014年03期

4 刘振标;毛浩然;;多义词心理表征研究二十年[J];外语研究;2014年02期

5 张春祥;栾博;高雪瑶;卢志茂;;句法信息指导的汉语词义消歧[J];计算机工程与应用;2015年05期

6 李云彤;;多义词的句法层面探究[J];东北师大学报(哲学社会科学版);2013年02期

7 马明;;认知视野中的一词多义研究[J];东北大学学报(社会科学版);2011年06期

8 宗守云;;量词范畴化的途径和动因[J];上海师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版);2011年03期

9 邹学娥;;有关“背”的汉英词义比较研究[J];语文学刊;2011年05期

10 张绍全;;国外多义性研究综观[J];四川外语学院学报;2009年S2期

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2 张绍全;中国英语专业学生多义词习得的认知语言学研究[D];西南大学;2009年

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2 洪胜花;基于概念隐喻理论的英语多义词教学研究[D];广州大学;2013年

3 吴明丽;英语“back”多义性的认知解读[D];西南大学;2013年




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