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发布时间:2021-02-13 07:26


【文章页数】:94 页


List of Abbreviations
Chapter Ⅰ Introduction
    1.1 Research Background
    1.2 Research Purposes
    1.3 Research Significance
    1.4 Structure of the Thesis
Chapter Ⅱ Literature Review
    2.1 Critical Thinking
        2.1.1 Definitions of Critical Thinking(CT)
        2.1.2 Definitions of Critical Thinking Disposition(CTD)
    2.2 Self-regulated Learning Strategies
        2.2.1 Definitions of Self-regulated Learning(SRL)
        2.2.2 Definitions of Self-regulated Learning Strategies(SRLS)
    2.3 English Reading Strategies
        2.3.1 Definitions of English Reading Strategies(ERS)
        2.3.2 Classification of English Reading Strategies
    2.4 Previous Studies on Critical Thinking,Self-regulated LearningStrategies and English Reading Strategies
        2.4.1 Previous Studies on CT and SRLS
        2.4.2 Previous Studies on CT and ERS
        2.4.3 Previous Studies on SRLS and ERS
Chapter Ⅲ Research Methodology
    3.1 Research Questions
    3.2 Research Subjects
    3.3 Research Instruments
        3.3.1 Critical Thinking Disposition Inventory
        3.3.2 Self-regulated Learning Strategies Questionnaire
        3.3.3 English Reading Strategies Questionnaire
    3.4 Data Collection
    3.5 Data Analysis
Chapter Ⅳ Results and Discussion
    4.1 The Analysis of Critical Thinking Disposition(CTD)
        4.1.1 Descriptive Analysis of Critical Thinking Disposition
        4.1.2 The Analysis of the Discrepancy of CTD in Gender
        4.1.3 The Analysis of the Discrepancy of CTD in Subjects
    4.2 The Analysis of Self-regulated Learning Strategies(SRLS)
        4.2.1 The Analysis of the Discrepancy of SRLS on CTD
        4.2.2 The Analysis of the Discrepancy of SRLS in Gender
        4.2.3 The Analysis of the Discrepancy of SRLS in Subjects
    4.3 The Analysis of English Reading Strategies
        4.3.1 The Analysis of the Discrepancy of English Reading Strategies(ERS)on CTD
        4.3.2 The Analysis of the Discrepancy of English Reading Strategies (ERS)in Gender
        4.3.3 The Analysis of the Discrepancy of English Reading Strategies(ERS)in Subjects
    4.4 The Correlation among CTD,SRLS and ERS
        4.4.1 The Correlation between CTD and SRLS
        4.4.2 The Correlation between CTD and ERS
    4.5 The Regression Analysis of CTD and SRLS on ERS
    4.6 The Path Analysis of CTD,SRLS and ERS
Chapter Ⅴ Conclusion
    5.1 Major Findings
        5.1.1 Findings from Descriptive Analysis and Discrepancy Analyses
        5.1.2 Findings from Related Correlation Analyses
    5.2 Pedagogical Implications
        5.2.1 Cultivating Critical Thinking Ability through Text-reading Tasks
        5.2.2 Helping Learners Develop Accessible Learning Plans
        5.2.3 Introducing Reading Strategies Systematically and TrainingConsciously
    5.3 Limitations of the Study
    5.4 Suggestions for Future Study
Appendix 1 Critical Thinking Disposition Inventory
Appendix 2 Self-regulated Learning Strategies Questionnaire
Appendix 3 English Reading Strategies Questionnaire

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