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发布时间:2021-03-10 19:06

【文章来源】:湖南师范大学湖南省 211工程院校

【文章页数】:127 页


List of Abbreviations
Chapter One Literature Review
    1.1 Process Writing Approach
        1.1.1 Definition of Process Writing Approach
        1.1.2 Stages of Process Writing Approach
        1.1.3 Related Studies on the Application of Process Writing Approach
    1.2 Writing Anxiety
        1.2.1 Definitions of Anxiety,Foreign Language Anxiety and Writing Anxiety
        1.2.2 Measurement of Writing Anxiety
        1.2.3 Related Empirical Studies on Writing Anxiety
Chapter Two Theoretical Basis
    2.1 Cooperative Learning
        2.1.1 Advantages of Cooperative Learning
        2.1.2 Elements of Cooperative Learning
        2.1.3 Types of Cooperative Learning
    2.2 Affective Filter Hypothesis
        2.2.1 The Essence of Affective Filter
        2.2.2 Affective Factors in Affective Filter Hypothesis
        2.2.3 Strategies to Overcome Affective Disorders
Chapter Three Methodology
    3.1 Research Design
        3.1.1 Research Questions
        3.1.2 Research Subjects
        3.1.3 Research Instruments
    3.2 Research Procedure
        3.2.1 Data Collection
        3.2.2 Data Analysis
Chapter Four Results and Discussion
    4.1 Dimensions and General Level of Students'English Writing Anxiety
        4.1.1 Four Dimensions of Students’English Writing Anxiety
        4.1.2 Results of the General Level of Students’English Writing Anxiety
        4.1.3 Discussion on Students’English Writing Anxiety
    4.2 Influence of Process Writing Approach on Students’ English Writing Anxiety
        4.2.1 A Comparison of Students’English Writing Anxiety between EC and CC before the Experiment
        4.2.2 A Comparison of Students’English Writing Anxiety between Pretest and Post-test in CC and EC
        4.2.3 A Comparison of Students’English Writing Anxiety between EC and CC after the Experiment
        4.2.4 Discussion on the Changes of Students’ English Writing Anxiety
    4.3 Correlation between the Changes of Students’ English Writing Anxiety and Their Writing Achievements
        4.3.1 A Comparison of Students’Writing Achievements between EC and CC before the Experiment
        4.3.2 A Comparison of Students’Writing Achievements between Pretest and Post-test in EC
        4.3.3 A Comparison of the Students’ Writing Achievements between Pretest and Post-test in CC
        4.3.4 Results and discussion on the Correlation between the Changes of Students’English Writing Anxiety and Their Writing Achievements
Appendix Ⅰ Questionnaire
Appendix Ⅱ Writing Pretest
Appendix Ⅲ Writing Post-test
Appendix Ⅳ Interview Questions
Appendix Ⅴ A Sample Lesson(Experimental Class)
Appendix Ⅵ A Sample Lesson(Control Class)

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