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GET TO V与GET V-ing构式搭配对比研究

发布时间:2021-05-06 15:57
  非谓语动词是英语教学的重点与难点,尤其分词和不定式在用法上经常不易分辨。二十世纪八十年代,许多学者从语法角度出发,研究多集中于非谓语动词的语法使用及结构意义的对比分析。此后,非谓语动词的研究集中在语法、句法、语义、语用等方面。构式语法理论的发展以及语料库语言学的兴起,为非谓语动词研究提供了新视角。本研究以构式语法理论为依据,以英语国家语料库为语料来源,选取get为例,按照“动词-分类-具体”的程序,从构式语法角度对GET TO V和GET V-ing构式与其中的动词词素的搭配进行对比研究。本研究从实证角度出发,具体回答以下问题:(1)出现在GET TO V与GET V-ing构式中动词有哪些特征?两个构式的语义聚类分别有哪些?两者的核心义分别是什么?(2)GET TO V与GET V-ing构式中各自的核心义与引申义之间存在怎样的承继关系?(3)对比GET TO V与GET V-ing两个构式,两者的构式意义有什么特征?运用构式搭配分析法中的共现词素分析法,分别计算出P值和词素与构式的搭配强度。结果表明:第一,在GET TO V与GET V-ing构式中达到显著水平的动词词素分别有69... 


【文章页数】:93 页


Chapter1 Introduction
    1.1 Background of the Study
    1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Study
    1.3 Organization of the Thesis
Chapter2 Literature Review
    2.1 Studies on TO V Construction and V-ing Construction
        2.1.1 Grammatical and syntactic structure analysis
        2.1.2 Semantic and pragmatic analysis
        2.1.3 Cognitive and corpus analysis
        2.1.4 Language acquisition analysis
    2.2 Studies on GET TO V Construction and GET V-ing Construction
        2.2.1 Passive voice and syntactic structure analysis
        2.2.2 Semantic and pragmatic analysis
        2.2.3 Cognitive and corpus analysis
    2.3 Summary
Chapter3 Theoretical Framework
    3.1 Construction Grammar
        3.1.1 Background of construction grammar
        3.1.2 The definition of construction
        3.1.3 Advantages of construction grammar
    3.2 Usage-based Model
        3.2.1 The origin of usage-based model
        3.2.2 Principles of usage-based model
        3.2.3 Relations among constructions
   Polysemy link
   Subpart link
   Instance link
   Metaphorical extension link
    3.3 Summary
Chapter4 Research Methodology
    4.1 Research Questions
    4.2 Analytic Methodology and Tools
        4.2.1 Collostructional analysis
        4.2.2 Collexeme analysis
        4.2.3 R software
        4.2.4 Corpus
    4.3 Data Collection and Procedure
    4.4 Summary
Chapter5 Results and Discussion
    5.1 Collexemes in GET TO V Construction and GET V-ing Construction
        5.1.1 Raw frequency of verb collexemes
        5.1.2 Collostruction strengths of verb collexemes
    5.2 Features of the Collexemes
        5.2.1 Classification of verb collexemes
        5.2.2 Explanation of verb collexemes’semantic clustering
        5.2.3 Inheritance links between core meaning and extended meaning
    5.3 Meanings of GET TO V Construction and GET V-ing Construction
    5.4 Summary
Chapter6 Conclusion
    6.1 Major Findings of the Research
    6.2 Implications of the Research
    6.3 Limitations and Suggestions
Appendix1 The Top-67 to299 Collexemes of GET TO V Construction
Appendix2 Examples(37)to(68)of Polysemy Link
Publications During the Postgraduate Program

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