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发布时间:2021-10-18 14:42
  复合谓词指Have/Take/Make/Give/Do+A+NDEV这样的结构。具体如:have a look,take a walk,make a tour,等。以往的相关研究(Stein 1991;Algeo 1995:204)认为,复合谓词表达的句法功能、语义功能与其对应的行为动词(如look,walk,tour)相同。复合谓词表现出某种半词汇化-半语法化的句法、语义功能特征(Brinton2008:33-53),它们同时表达“有界体标记”语法功能(Traugott&Trausdale 2013:34-35)。然而,关于复合谓词还有一些基本语义功能特征,在此前的国内外相关研究中尚未涉及。具体如,复合谓词的构式义、转喻义、构式化特征等。本研究主要探究以下议题:1)复合谓词表达哪些语义功能?复合谓词表现出怎样的句法-语义功能?本研究揭示的复合谓词的语义功能与前人的研究有何不同?2)为什么说复合谓词属于双层语法转喻而非单层转喻现象?作为语法转喻,复合谓词中涉及的转喻操作是怎样的?3)复合谓词为什么可视为一种构式?复合谓词表现出怎样的构式化特征?5个复合谓词... 


【文章页数】:137 页


Chapter One Introduction
    1.1 Background Introduction to Composite Predicates
    1.2 Issues of This Thesis
    1.3 Purposes and Significances of This Thesis
        1.3.1 Purposes of This Thesis
        1.3.2 Significances of This Thesis
    1.4 Organization of The Thesis
Chapter Two Literature Review
    2.1 Study of Composite Predicates Abroad
    2.2 Domestic Study of Composite Predicates
    2.3 Comments on Previous Studies of Composite Predicates
        2.3.1 The Advantages of Previous Studies
        2.3.2 The Features of Previous Studies
        2.3.3 The Disadvantages of Previous Studies
Chapter Three Theoretical Framework
    3.1 A Brief Introduction to the History and Development of Metonymy
        3.1.1 Various Definitions of Conceptual Metonymy
   Rhetorical View on Metonymy
   Cognitive View on Metonymy
    3.2 Classifications of Metonymy
    3.3 Grammatical Metonymy and Its Features
        3.3.1 Grammatical Metonymy
        3.3.2 Features of Grammatical Metonymy
    3.4 Constructionalization Theory(CT)
        3.4.1 A Brief Introduction to CT
        3.4.2 The Main Idea of CT
        3.4.3 The Features of CT
Chapter Four Methodology of This Thesis
    4.1 An Introduction to British National Corpus(BNC)
    4.2 Design of the Research
    4.3 Methods of Measuring Schematicity,Productivity and Compositionality
        4.3.1 Method of Measuring the Schematicity
        4.3.2 Method of Measuring the Productivity
        4.3.3 Method of Measuring the Compositionality
    4.4 The Criteria of Classification of N_(DEV) in Composite Predicates
        4.4.1 Classification of N_(DEV) Based on Original Verb Meanings
        4.4.2 Classification of N_(DEV) Based on Behavior Features of Verbs
Chapter Five The Metonymic Feature,Construction Features,Syntactic-Semantic Features and the Constructionalization Characteristics of Composite Predicates
    5.1 The Metonymic Operation Model of Composite Predicates
    5.2 The Construction Features of Composite Predicate
        5.2.1 The Definition of Construction
        5.2.2 The Causes of Composite Predicates Being Viewed as Constructions
    5.3 The Syntactic-Semantic Features of N_(DEV) of Composite predicates
        5.3.1 The Syntactic-Semantic Features of N_(DEV) in Have+A+N_(DEV)
   N_(DEV) Permitted into Have+A+N_(DEV) Based on the Original Verb Meanings
   N_(DEV) Permitted into Have+A+N_(DEV) Based on the Behavior Features of Verbs
   The Semantic Features of Have and the Constraint It Places on N_(DEV) of Have+A+N_(DEV)
        5.3.2 The Syntactic-Semantic Features of N_(DEV) in Take+A+N_(DEV)
   N_(DEV) Permitted into Take+A+N_(DEV) Based on the Original Verb Meanings
   N_(DEV) Permitted into Take+A+N_(DEV) Based on the Behavior Features of Verbs
   The Semantic Features of Take and the Constraint It Places on N_(DEV) of Take+A+N_(DEV)
        5.3.3 The Syntactic-Semantic Features of N_(DEV) in Make+A+N_(DEV)
   N_(DEV) Permitted into Make+A+N_(DEV) Based on the Original Verb Meanings
   N_(DEV) Permitted into Make+A+N_(DEV) Based on the Behavior Features of Verbs
   The Semantic Features of Make and the Constraint It Places on N_(DEV) of Make+A+N_(DEV)
        5.3.4 The Syntactic-Semantic Features of N_(DEV) in Give+A+N_(DEV)
   N_(DEV) Permitted into Give+A+N_(DEV) Based on the Original Verb Meanings
   N_(DEV) Permitted into Give+A+N_(DEV) Based on the Behavior Features of Verbs
   The Semantic Features of Give and the Constraint It Places on N_(DEV) of Give+A+N_(DEV)
        5.3.5 The Syntactic-Semantic Features of N_(DEV) in Do+A+N_(DEV)
   N_(DEV) Permitted into Do+A+N_(DEV) Based on the Original Verb Meanings
   N_(DEV) Permitted into Do+A+N_(DEV) Based on the Behavior Features of Verbs
   The Semantic Features of Do and the Constraint It Places on N_(DEV) of Do+A+N_(DEV)
    5.4 Comparative Analysis of N_(DEV) amidst Different Composite Predicates
        5.4.1 Similarities and Dissimilarities of N_(DEV) Based on the Original Verb Meanings
   The Similarities of N_(DEV) Based on the Original Verb Meanings
   The Dissimilarities of N_(DEV) Based on the Original Verb Meanings
        5.4.2 Similarities and Dissimilarities of N_(DEV) Based on the Behavior of Original Verbs
   The Similarities of N_(DEV) Based on the Behavior of Original Verbs
   The Dissimilarities of N_(DEV) Based on the Behavior of Original Verbs
    5.5 The Constructionalization Characteristics of Composite Predicates
        5.5.1 The Schematicity of the Five Composite Predicates
   Definitions of Schematicity
   The Schematicity of the Five Composite Predicates
   Different Degrees of Schematicity Among the Five Composite Predicates
        5.5.2 The Productivity of the Five Composite Predicates
   Definition and Criteria of Productivity
   Different Degrees of Productivity Among the Five Composite Predicates
        5.5.3 The Compositionality of the Five Composite Predicates
   Definition and Criteria of Compositionality
   Different Degrees of Compositionality Among the Five Composite Predicates
    5.6 Comparative Analysis of Schematicity,Productivity and Compositionality of the Five Composite Predicates
Chapter Six Conclusion
    6.1 Major Findings of This Thesis
    6.2 Implications of This Thesis
    6.3 Limitations of This Study and Suggestions for Further Research
        6.3.1 Limitations of This Study
        6.3.2 Suggestions for Further Research on Composite Predicates

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