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发布时间:2022-11-11 18:51

【文章页数】:80 页


Chapter One Introduction
    1.1 The Background of the Study
    1.2 The Significance of the Study
    1.3 The Structure of the Study
Chapter Two Literature Review
    2.1 General Introduction to Phonics
        2.1.1 The Definition of Phonics
        2.1.2 Related Study of Phonics Abroad
        2.1.3 Related Study of Phonics at Home
    2.2 The General Concept of Phonetic Symbols
    2.3 The Contrast between the Phonetic Teaching and the Phonics Teaching
    2.4 Language Transfer Between English and Chinese
    2.5 General Introduction to Beliefs about Phonics Teaching
        2.5.1 Definition of Belief
        2.5.2 The Classification of Language Teachers’Beliefs
        2.5.3 Beliefs about Phonics Teaching
   Beliefs about Phonics Teaching from Perspective of EFL
   Beliefs about Phonics Teaching from Perspective of Learning and Learners
   Beliefs about Phonics Teaching from Perspective of Teaching and Teachers
        2.5.4 The Relationship between Beliefs and Practice
Chapter Three Methodology
    3.1 Research Questions
    3.2 Research Subjects
    3.3 Research Methods
        3.3.1 The Semi-structured Interview
        3.3.2 The Non-participant Classroom Observation
    3.4 Data Collection and Analysis
Chapter Four Results and Discussion
    4.1 Characteristics of Novice Teachers’Beliefs about Phonics Teaching
        4.1.1 Phonics as A More Effective Method to Teach English
        4.1.2 Phonics as An Assistant of Novice Teachers
        4.1.3 Phonics as A Way of Revealing the Nature of EFL
        4.1.4 The Nature of Phonics Teaching
    4.2 Characteristics of Novice Teachers’Beliefs and Their Practice of Phonics Teaching
        4.2.1 Consistency between Beliefs and Practice about Phonics Teaching
        4.2.2 Inconsistency between Beliefs and Practice about Phonics Teaching
    4.3 Difficulties in Applying Phonics Teaching
    4.4 Influencing Factors in Applying Phonics Teaching
Chapter Five Pedagogical Implications and Conclusion
    5.1 Summary of Research Findings
    5.2 Research Implications
    5.3 Research Limits
    5.4 Future Research Directions
    Appendix Ⅰ
    Appendix Ⅱ
    Appendix Ⅲ
    Appendix Ⅳ

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[4]Phonics与音标教学法在中国幼少儿英语教学中的比较与应用[J]. 胡婵娟.  安徽工业大学学报(社会科学版). 2012(03)
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[2]初中英语拼读入门教学实验研究[D]. 白云霞.西北师范大学 2002




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