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发布时间:2022-12-04 16:17

【文章页数】:144 页


Chapter One Introduction
    1.1 Research Background
    1.2 The Aim and Significance of the Study
        1.2.1 The Aim of the Study
        1.2.2 The Significance of the Study
    1.3 Research Methodology
    1.4 Hypothesis of the Study
    1.5 Framework of the Study
Chapter Two Literature Review
    2.1 Previous Study Abroad
        2.1.1 The Study of Morphology in Structuralist Linguistics
        2.1.2 The Study of Morphology in Transformation-Generative Grammar
        2.1.3 The Study of Morphology in Cognitive Linguistics
        2.1.4 Research on Semantic Integration within English Prefix
    2.2 Previous Study at Home
        2.2.1 The Study Focused on Word Formation
        2.2.2 The Study Focused on the Internal Semantic Integration of Morphemes
        2.2.3 The Study Focused on English Vocabulary Teaching
Chapter Three Theoretical Basis
    3.1 Conceptual Blending Theory
        3.1.1 The Definition of Conceptual Blending Theory
        3.1.2 The Operational Mechanism of Conceptual Blending Theory
        3.1.3 The Explanatory Power of CBT on Extracting Semantic Meanings
    3.2 Definition of English Prefixation
    3.3 Classification of English Orientational Prefixes
        3.3.1 Prefixes for Representing Orientation of Front
        3.3.2 Prefixes for Representing Orientation of Middle
        3.3.3 Prefixes for Representing Orientation of Rear
    3.4 The functions of English Orientational Prefixes
    3.5 Three Dimensions of Semantic Integration Underneath English Prefixes
        3.5.1 Domain
        3.5.2 Category
        3.5.3 Construal
Chapter Four A Study on the Construction of Schematic Representation ofSemantic Network for English Orientational Prefixes
    4.1 The Construction of Semantic Network in Spatiality for English OrientationalPrefixes
        4.1.1 The Construction of Semantic Network in Spatiality for EnglishOrientational Prefixes-Front(ante-;fore-;pre-)
        4.1.2 The Construction of Semantic Network in Spatiality for EnglishOrientational Prefixes-Middle(mid-;inter-;intra-)
        4.1.3 The Construction of Semantic Network in Spatiality for EnglishOrientational Prefixes- Rear(post-)
    4.2 The Construction of Semantic Network in Temporality for English OrientationalPrefixes
        4.2.1 The Construction of Semantic Network in Temporality for EnglishOrientational Prefixes-Start(ante-;fore-;pre-)
        4.2.2 The Construction of Semantic Network in Temporality for EnglishOrientational Prefixes-Middle(mid-;inter-;intra-)
        4.2.3 The Construction of Semantic Network in Temporality for EnglishOrientational Prefixes-Finish(post-)
        4.2.4 Summary
    4.3 The Construction of Semantic Distributional Networks for Orientationalprefixes(ante-,fore-,pre-,mid,inter-,intra-and post-)
        4.3.1 The Construction of Semantic Distributional Network for ThePrefixes-Front(ante-;fore-;pre-)
        4.3.2 The Construction of Semantic Distributional Network for The Prefixes-Middle(mid-;inter-;intra-)
        4.3.3 The Construction of Semantic Distributional Network for ThePrefixes-Rear(post-)
    4.4 The Schematic Representation Continuum for English Orientational Prefixes inthe Domain of Spatiality and Temporality
    4.5 Summary
Chapter Five Conclusion
    5.1 Findings of the Study
    5.2 Limitations and Prospect of the Study

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