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【文章页数】:77 页


List of Abbreviations and Symbols
Chapter Ⅰ Introduction
    1.1 Research Background
        1.1.1 Requirements for Senior High School English Writing by ECS
        1.1.2 Current Situation of Senior High School Students’English Writing
        1.1.3 Development of Corpus Linguistics in English Writing
    1.2 Research Purpose and Significance
        1.2.1 Research Purpose
        1.2.2 Theoretical Significance
        1.2.3 Practical Significance
    1.3 The Structure of the Paper
Chapter Ⅱ Literature Review
    2.1 Definitions of Key Terms
        2.1.1 The Concept of Cohesion
        2.1.2 The Concept of Lexical Cohesion
    2.2 Theoretical Foundation
        2.2.1 Lexical Cohesion Theory
        2.2.2 The Classification of Lexical Cohesion
   Simple Repetition
   Complex Repetition
   General Words
    2.3 Related Research at Home and Abroad
        2.3.1 Related Research on Lexical Cohesion in Writing Abroad
   Research Methods Applied to Lexical Cohesion
   The Relationship between Lexical Cohesion and Writing Quality
   The Use of Lexical Cohesion in Learners’Writing
        2.3.2 Related Research on Lexical Cohesion and Writing at Home
   The Different Theoretical Foundations of Lexical Cohesion inWriting
   The Relationship between Lexical Cohesion and Writing Quality.
Chapter Ⅲ Methodology
    3.1 Research Questions
    3.2 Research Subjects
    3.3 Research Instruments
        3.3.1 Corpora Used in the Study
        3.3.2 Instrument for Data Processing
    3.4 Research Procedures
        3.4.1 Data Collection
        3.4.2 Evaluation of the Compositions
        3.4.3 Data Analysis
Chapter Ⅳ Results and Discussion
    4.1 The Use of Lexical Cohesion
    4.2 The Differences of the Uses of Lexical Cohesion between HG and LG
        4.2.1 The Differences of Using Simple Repetition between HG and LG
        4.2.2 The Differences of Using Complex Repetition between HG and LG
        4.2.3 The Differences of Using Synonym between HG and LG
        4.2.4 The Differences of Using Antonym between HG and LG
        4.2.5 The Differences of Using Collocation between HG and LG
        4.2.6 A Brief Summary
    4.3 The Correlation between Lexical Cohesion and Writing Scores
        4.3.1 Simple Repetition and Writing Scores
        4.3.2 Complex Repetition and Writing Scores
        4.3.3 Synonym and Writing Scores
        4.3.4 Antonym and Writing Scores
        4.3.5 Hyponym and Writing Scores
        4.3.6 General Words and Writing Scores
        4.3.7 Collocation and Writing Scores
        4.3.8 A Brief Summary
Chapter Ⅴ Conclusion
    5.1 Major Findings
    5.2 Implications
        5.2.1 Focusing on the Teaching of Complex Repetition
        5.2.2 Focusing on the Teaching of Synonym
        5.2.3 Focusing on the Teaching of Antonym
        5.2.4 Focusing on the Teaching of Collocation
        5.2.5 Focusing on the Inputting of Excellent Compositions in Writing
    5.3 Limitations of the Present Study and Suggestions for Further Studies
        5.3.1 Limitations of the Present Study
        5.3.2 Suggestions for Further Studies
    Appendix Ⅰ Writing Task
    Appendix Ⅱ Writing Samples of Students
    Appendix Ⅲ Composition Scoring Standards of College Entrance Examination
    Appendix Ⅳ Samples of Tagging in Self-Built Corpus

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