[Abstract]:China's economic and social development has entered the "new normal", and the development of ethnic areas is facing the pressure of weakening power. Therefore, this paper studies the factors that hinder sustainable development in the driving force of economic growth in ethnic minority areas, and puts forward some measures to narrow the gap between east and west. It is of great significance to realize a well-off society. By using the stochastic frontier model, this paper makes an empirical analysis on the production efficiency of the eight provinces and regions from 2002 to 2014, classifies the growth rate of total factor productivity, and studies and analyzes the various components. The results show that there is a contradiction of significant technological progress but low production efficiency, and spillover technological progress does not really translate into endogenous technological progress, and extensive mode of production leads to low operating efficiency of enterprises and hinders the development of industrial agglomeration. It is difficult to form scale economy, and the allocation of labor force and capital between industries and industries is unreasonable, which leads to the inefficient allocation of resources. The results of the above analysis have a certain enlightening effect on the formulation of economic and social support policies in ethnic minority areas, that is, while promoting technological progress, limited resources should be used to improve the level of enterprise management, human resources, education, etc. Improving production efficiency, combining local resources and national cultural advantages, subdividing characteristic industrial processes, specialized division of labor, establishing socialized service system and establishing effective investment and financing mechanism; Strengthen the reform of household registration system, create a fair competition market atmosphere, encourage the free flow of capital, etc.
【作者单位】: 延边大学经济管理学院;
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