[Abstract]:Based on the traditional demand theory and the perspective of the fit of workplace demand and organizational supply, the individual needs in the workplace are divided into four categories: basic demand, emotional demand, autonomous demand and growth need. Taking 4 kinds of demand as the starting point, 317 sample data of 12 cities were selected, and the influence of the degree of the consistency between the supply and the individual demand on the level of organizational identity was analyzed by using the polynomial regression method and the three dimensional response surface. The results show that when the organizational supply is greater than the individual demand, the organizational identity is negatively correlated with the demand-supply fit, and when the organizational supply is less than the individual demand, the organizational identity is positively correlated with the demand-supply fit. When the organizational supply and the individual demand fully match, the higher the individual demand intensity, the higher the organizational identity. 2. For emotional demand, when the organizational supply is larger than the individual demand, the organizational identity is negatively correlated with the demand-supply fit. When the organizational supply and the individual demand are in complete agreement, the higher the individual demand intensity is, the higher the organizational identity is. 3. The higher the organizational identity is, the higher the organizational identity level is when the organizational supply and the personal demand are fully in line with each other. The results not only analyze the structure of demand-supply fit effectiveness, but also discuss the internal change law of different groups' organizational identity from the point of view of demand. It provides theoretical reference and practical guidance for the practice of differentiated human resource management of the new generation of employees.
【作者单位】: 西安交通大学管理学院;西安交通大学过程控制与效率工程教育部重点实验室;
【基金】:高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(20130201110020) 国家社会科学基金(10BGL002)~~
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