[Abstract]:Objective to understand the development of community health service (CHS) system in Haikou City and explore its advantages, potentials and difficulties. Methods all CHS centers and CHS stations in 4 districts of Haikou City were selected as the subjects. The general scale and health human resources of CHS institutions in Haikou City from 2007 to 2010 were analyzed by using the questionnaire for routine monitoring of community health service stations and the questionnaire for routine monitoring of community health service centers issued by the Department of Women and Social Welfare of the Ministry of Health. Financial income and expenditure and health service provision were investigated. The prescriptions of some CHS institutions were selected, and the number of prescriptions for CHS institutions from 2008 to 2010 was investigated by the questionnaire on the routine monitoring of rational use of drugs and prescription costs in community health service institutions issued by the Department of Women and Social Affairs of the Ministry of Health. The use and cost of antibiotics and hormones were investigated. Some community residents who visited CHS institutions were randomly intercepted. The questionnaire on satisfaction of users of community health services issued by the Department of Women and Social Affairs of Ministry of Health was used to investigate the CHS knowledge, utilization and satisfaction of community residents in 2009-2010. Results there were 11 CHS centers built and put into operation in 2010, and 74 CHS stations were completed in 55.0% (11 / 20) of the total. By the end of 2010, the average fixed assets of the city's CHS center was 446600 yuan at 3.0051 million yuan. By the end of 2010, the total number of health technicians, doctors and nurses had reached 1,180, 403 doctors and 548 nurses. The health care ratio for the 1:1.36.CHS station and the CHS centre was basically flat in 2009 and 2010, with a slight surplus; on the revenue side, operational income was the main source of revenue for CHS institutions, accounting for more than 70 per cent of total revenue; and in terms of expenditure, Operating expenditure and manpower expenditure are the main part of CHS agency expenditure. The CHS center's drug expenditure accounts for more than 60% of the operating expenditure. In terms of manpower expenditure, the personnel wage expenditure accounts for the vast majority of the total expenditure in 2010. In Haikou City, the total number of outpatient and emergency cases in CHS institutions was 1 633,913, accounting for 26.6 times of the total number of outpatient and emergency cases in all medical institutions at all levels in the city in that year, and in 2007, the number of emergency cases in CHS institutions was 36,041, reaching 257 282 in 2010, 7.1 times of that in 2007. Bidirectional referrals always show an unequal trend of upturn over downturns. In 2008-2010, two thirds of prescriptions used antibiotics, and the number of prescriptions using both antibiotics and hormones accounted for more than 20% of the total number of random checks in 2010. A total of 35,634 patients with hypertension and 10,550 patients with diabetes mellitus were registered by CHS institutions in the city. The higher satisfaction was the service attitude of the medical staff in CHS, the second was the waiting time and the explanation and communication of the medical staff, and the lowest was the facilities and equipment of the hospital. Conclusion the advantage of Haikou CHS system with social force as the main body lies in its wide range of financing, flexible operation and the geographical availability of medical services in a short period of time. The potential lies first in the relatively easy cost control, so that there is a lot of room for lowering drug prices; secondly, in the management of chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, and other chronic diseases, the CHS institutions have gradually accumulated information. To lay a foundation for prevention and control of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. At present, it is difficult to obtain technical support and private ownership property of general hospitals.
【作者单位】: 海南医学院附属医院临床中心实验室;华中科技大学同济医学院附属协和医院心内科;海南医学院附属医院信息科;三亚市人民医院心内科;海南医学院附属医院预防保健科;
【基金】:卫生部项目(卫妇社社卫便函[2008]126号[2010]11号)——社区卫生服务体系建设重点联系城市常规监测 海南省卫生厅项目(琼卫科教[2006]16号)——全科医学培训需求调查
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