[Abstract]:Background with the increasing incidence of cervical cancer and breast cancer, the former Ministry of Health carried out the pilot work of cervical cancer and breast cancer screening in China. Objective to investigate the ability of cervical cancer and breast cancer screening in primary health care institutions in Sichuan province. Methods from June 2011 to June 2012, the survey indicators were obtained through literature review, panel discussion and Delphi method. Through the collection of past data, on-site observation, telephone interviews to obtain relevant information about 71 primary medical and health services in Sichuan Province, the basic situation of primary medical and health services and the human resources for screening cervical cancer and breast cancer, Instrument, equipment, technical ability to investigate, and compare the economic level of different regions and different geomorphological areas of institutional differences. Results the number of beds in Pingba group was larger than that in hilly group and mountainous group (P0.05), and the area of room in (GDP) group with high GDP was larger than that in low GDP group (P0.05), and the number of beds in Pingba group was higher than that in hilly group. The number of annual outpatient visits in the high GDP group was higher than that in the low GDP group (P0.05), but there was no significant difference in the number of annual outpatient visits in different geomorphological areas (P0.05). The number of in-service staff, health technicians, junior college students and above, medical practitioners, registered nurses, Chinese and western medicine pharmacists, examination and imaging technicians in the high GDP group were more than those in the low GDP group. Of 71 institutions, 67 were equipped with gynecological examination beds and instruments, 9 were equipped with high-frequency ultrasound of mammary glands, and 3 were equipped with cytological testing equipment. Three of them were equipped with near infrared ray, one with colposcopy, and none of them was equipped with (HPV) DNA and molybdenum target X-ray detection equipment. Ten institutions have carried out cervical cancer screening, 5 institutions have carried out breast cancer screening. A total of 39 institutions established resident health records, the establishment rate of health records in high GDP group was higher than that in low GDP group, and that in Pingba group was higher than that in hilly group and mountain group (P0.05). Conclusion at present, the capacity of primary medical and health service in Sichuan province to carry out cervical cancer and breast cancer screening is weak, and it can only undertake the task of organization mobilization and preliminary screening in the screening project of cervical cancer and breast cancer. It is suggested to strengthen the ability of primary medical and health service institutions to screen cervical cancer and breast cancer by reasonably improving and allocating health human resources.
【作者单位】: 四川大学华西公共卫生学院;成都市疾病预防控制中心;四川省卫生信息中心;
【基金】:四川省卫生厅科学研究基金(080321,100361) 成都市科技局科技支撑项目(11PPYB002SF-289)
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