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发布时间:2019-03-09 11:32
[Abstract]:Objective to investigate the human resource status of hospital infection management in county-level medical institutions, community health service centers and township health centers in Jilin province. Methods the present situation of nosocomial infection management in 155 county-level medical institutions, 154 community health service centers and 651 township health centers in 9 cities (prefectures) of Jilin Province was investigated by means of questionnaire and on-the-spot inspection. Analyze the situation of human resources, knowledge education and training. Results 957 medical institutions, including 152 county-level medical institutions, 154 community health service centers and 651 township health centers, were excluded from the unqualified data. Among them, 122 (80.3%) county-level medical institutions have independent hospital infection management departments, 30 (19.7%) are part-time responsible for hospital infection management by the Department of Medical Affairs, the Department of Nursing, the Department of Prevention and Security, the hospital office or other departments. 151 (98.1%) community health service centers, 620 (95.2%) township health centers were equipped with hospital infection management staff, mainly part-time workers; There were 305 hospital infection managers in county-level medical institutions, including 206 full-time staff (67.5%) and 99 part-time workers (32.5%). The community health service centres have 265 hospital infection managers, of which 79 (29.8%) are full-time and 186 (70.2%) are part-time; There were 1211 hospital infection managers in township health centers, including 336 full-time staff (27.7%) and 875 part-time workers (72.3%). The majority of full-time and part-time workers are women, the professional distribution is mainly nursing, the professional title and education level is low, and the working time is short. From 2012 to 2015, the number of training attendees is increasing year by year, and the number of training hours is increasing year by year. Conclusion the organization system of hospital infection management in county-level medical institutions, community health service centers and township health centers in this province has been perfected, and the composition of full-time and part-time personnel is unreasonable. It is still necessary to further enrich the staff of full-time staff and strengthen the training of professional knowledge.
【作者单位】: 吉林大学第二医院医院感染管理部;吉林大学公共卫生学院社会医学与医事法学系;


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