本文选题:对外汉语 切入点:把字句 出处:《华东师范大学》2009年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 语法教学在对外汉语教学中有着举足轻重的作用,它的教学效果直接影响学生对汉语的掌握程度。把字句一直被认为是对外汉语语法教学的一个重点,也是难点。把字句本身的特殊性固然是一个无法回避的因素,而我们在教材编写和课堂教学方面对把字句的解释和设计也还不尽合理。本文以初级阶段对外汉语教学中的把字句为研究对象,考察将“形式焦点”理论应用于对外汉语把字句教学的可行性,并辅以相应的实证调查与分析。首先,通过对对外汉语把字句教学研究现状的分析以及对现行对外汉语教材的考察,我们发现,无论是该领域的研究学者还是一线教师,均已意识到把字句教学应该结合语言环境,加强语用教学,但实际的效果并不尽如人意;此外,留学生把字句习得情况的调查分析也表明,学生中普遍存在不知道什么时候该用把字句的情况,他们对把字句的语用条件并不清楚。由此可见,对外汉语把字句教学没有有效地将“形式”和“意义”结合起来。其次,通过对“形式焦点”理论相关文献和研究成果进行评述可知,“形式焦点”理论的中心理念在二语教学领域获得了普遍的理论支持和实践证明,但应用于对外汉语教学领域的实例还很少见。基于上述思考和分析,本文探讨了“形式焦点”理论应用于对外汉语把字句教学的理论基础及教学设计原则,同时还专门设计了一堂把字句教学实验课加以实践,并对初级阶段对外汉语把字句教学提出了有针对性的建议。
[Abstract]:Grammar teaching plays an important role in teaching Chinese as a foreign language. Its teaching effect directly affects students' mastery of Chinese. It is also a difficult point. Of course, the particularity of the sentence itself is an unavoidable factor. However, the explanation and design of Ba sentence in textbook compilation and classroom teaching are not quite reasonable. This paper takes the "Ba" sentence in the primary stage of teaching Chinese as a foreign language as the object of study. This paper investigates the feasibility of applying the theory of "formal focus" to teaching Chinese as a foreign language, supplemented by corresponding empirical investigation and analysis. Through the analysis of the present situation of teaching and learning of Chinese as a foreign language and the investigation of the current teaching materials of Chinese as a foreign language, we find that both scholars and teachers in this field have realized that the teaching of words and phrases should be combined with the language environment. The pragmatic teaching is strengthened, but the actual effect is not satisfactory. In addition, the investigation and analysis of the acquisition of words and sentences by foreign students also show that there is a general situation among students that they do not know when to use the words and phrases. They are not clear about the pragmatic conditions of Ba sentence. Thus, it can be seen that teaching Chinese as a foreign language does not effectively combine "form" with "meaning". Secondly, Through a review of the relevant literature and research results on the theory of "formal focus", we can see that the central concept of the "formal focus" theory has gained universal theoretical support and practical proof in the field of second language teaching. Based on the above thinking and analysis, this paper discusses the theoretical basis and teaching design principles of the application of "formal focus" theory in teaching Chinese as a foreign language. At the same time, a special experiment course is designed, and some suggestions are put forward for the teaching of Chinese as a foreign language at the primary stage.
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