本文选题:转型高校 + 产教融合 ; 参考:《中国高校科技》2017年11期
[Abstract]:At present, the structural contradiction of higher education in our country is more and more prominent, the tendency of homogeneity is serious, the structure and quality of talent training are difficult to adapt to the demands of economic structure adjustment and industrial upgrading. It is inevitable for local colleges and universities to adapt themselves to the new normal economic development and realize the transformation and development. As a breakthrough in the transformation and development of colleges and universities, the integration of industry and education and the cooperation of schools and enterprises play an important role in the success of the transformation of colleges and universities. To realize the deep integration of industry and education and to improve the effect of cooperation between schools and enterprises, the government, universities and enterprises need to make joint efforts, coordinate with each other, and develop in a coordinated manner.
【作者单位】: 江西科技学院;
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