本文选题:长征精神 + 理想信念教育 ; 参考:《西南科技大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The spirit of the long March is not only the concentrated display of the national quality of the Chinese nation, but also the highest embodiment of the Chinese spirit with patriotism as the core. It is also the precious spiritual wealth left to us by the older generation of revolutionaries and the Red Army soldiers. Contemporary college students are the backbone of socialist construction. The ideal and belief education of college students is related to their own growth and success or failure of socialist cause. The long March is a great expedition of ideal and belief. It is of great guiding significance to integrate the spirit of the long March into the ideal and belief education of contemporary college students to cultivate the socialist core values of college students and to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese ethnic group. The article mainly carries on the discussion from the following four parts, studies. First, it summarizes the existing research on the long March spirit and the education of ideals and beliefs, summarizes the relevant documents, and expounds the research ideas and research methods of this paper; secondly, it briefly outlines the formation of the long March spirit. This paper analyzes the scientific connotation of the long March spirit, abstracts the contemporary value of the long March spirit, the education of ideal and belief and its significance in the times, and expounds the value of integrating the long March spirit into the ideal and belief education. This paper analyzes the problems in the education of the long March spirit and its ideals and beliefs, and analyzes its causes. Fourthly, it puts forward some effective solutions to the problems mentioned above.
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