[Abstract]:The article uses "ideal type method" to construct and describe three forms of university idea in different historical development periods-belief idea, rational idea, first-rate idea. Through the analysis of literature and history, this paper reveals how the university intellectuals, with teachers as the main body, participate in the formation and development of university ideas, and analyzes the differences of the three forms of university ideas. Designed to complement the defects of the "ideal type" of identity through a series of materials and facts, Thus, the connotation of the three kinds of university ideas constructed by "rational type method" is more full: the university idea is not a symbol of the pure spirit of super-utilitarianism, but a reflection of the value pursuit and practice of the university stakeholders. This decides the teacher's behavior role has the obvious time characteristic and the image complexity. The change of teachers' profession and teachers' living conditions in the reality of university idea difference makes the intellectual's role attribute face crisis both from the definition of knowledge and the connotation of spirit. This paper makes a deep analysis of the two pairs of principal contradictions (epistemology and existentialism, epistemology and political theory) facing the realistic role of university intellectuals in order to correct the facts of the intellectual role of university teachers from the spiritual dimension. In order to reveal the common understanding relationship between the university idea and the teacher intellectual, and then take the spiritual characteristic of the intellectual role (freedom, independence, criticism) as the core element, according to the commonality between the university idea and the university idea, excavate, take the intellectual role spirit characteristic (freedom, independence, criticism) as the core element, This paper analyzes the essence and core demands (academic freedom, university autonomy, social responsibility) of the university idea, and reveals the common relationship between the intellectual spirit of the university teacher and the university idea. Taking "knowledge" as the core node, taking the knowledge type as the latitude and the historical evolution of the knowledge mode as the vertical, the author tries to probe the knowledge theory foundation of the university idea. And then to explore the idea of using knowledge as the material for the operation of the university, and the specialization of the subject life in today's world, How to form a negative interaction with university teachers in the order of academic life: this is an era in which the ideas of university are discussed and valued more than at any time before. However, by virtue of its inner vitality, the concept of university weakens the attributes and personality characteristics of university teachers as "intellectuals". Instead of expanding the space for the spiritual development of university teachers, the space for the spiritual development of university teachers is shrinking. This weakens the spiritual support and material foundation on which the university concept depends. Finally, we hope that the spirit of university teachers and intellectuals will be reflected in the prosperity of university ideas.
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