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发布时间:2018-01-12 21:34

  本文关键词:商务联络口译实践报告 出处:《广东外语外贸大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 联络口译 译员主体性意识 案例分析

[Abstract]:This paper is a practical report based on liaison interpretation of business talks. The interpretation mission described is to accompany Blackmore Real Estate to business negotiations with Chinese clients and to provide liaison and interpretation services. The purpose of this interpretation practice is to help clients introduce Blackmore real estate properties. Bonds and looking for potential Chinese partners. This report takes the author's interpretation practice as an example. Combined with the characteristics of liaison interpretation, this paper analyzes the translation strategies adopted by the author under the guidance of subjectivity consciousness and their influence on the communication between the two sides. Ren Wen and other scholars believe that the translator's subjectivity includes initiative, initiative and creativity as well as passivity, which means that the translation strategy adopted by the translator should not only conform to the norms of the Chinese and English languages themselves. On the basis of this, we should conform to the general practice criterion of interpretation profession. It is reasonable subjectivity for translators to give full play to their subjectivity, which is conducive to communication between the two parties. This paper chooses the case of translator's subjective consciousness to conduct an analysis. This paper not only affirms the positive influence of the choice of the translator's original strategy on the effective communication between the two sides, but also analyzes the influence of the errors caused by the improper exertion of the translator's subjectivity on the communication between the two sides.


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