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发布时间:2018-01-16 06:36

  本文关键词:中美大学毕业典礼演讲中评价资源的比较研究 出处:《山东师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 中美大学毕业典礼演讲 评价理论 分布特征 人际意义 原因

[Abstract]:Based on the evaluation theory as the basis, to explore similarities and differences between the distribution of resources evaluation of Sino US college graduation speech and interpersonal meaning. The evaluation theory mainly studies the attitudinal construct and subject evaluation position expression of lexical resources, is a supplement to the study of interpersonal meaning of language Hallidy method. The current evaluation research at home and abroad mainly focus on English discourse genres, a comparative study of English and Chinese discourse resources evaluation evaluation of resources of Chinese discourse and the same genre in less. In this study, comparing the distribution differences of Chinese and English College Graduation Speech Discourse in terms of appraisal resources, and on this basis to explore the evaluation of each subsystem in Chinese and English two kinds of interpersonal meaning in discourse as well as the cause of the similarities and differences between the Sino American speakers use appraisal resources. This paper built two mini corpus of 6 pieces of Qing Dynasty China University Commencement Speech (Chinese) and the 6 Harvard University commencement speech (English) the evaluation of resources makes a quantitative and qualitative analysis. Firstly, the two corpora of all texts in terms of manual annotation and statistical evaluation; then, comparison of Sino US university commencement speeches in the use of resources evaluation and the interpersonal function; finally, carries on the analysis to the Sino US University Commencement Speech Discourse resource evaluation of similar and different reasons. Analysis results show that the resources of Chinese and American universities graduation speech in the interpersonal meaning of both similarities and differences also exist. The similarities between Chinese and American Universities: commencement speech attitudinal resources are the most frequently used evaluation of resources, and the number of positive attitude resources is far greater than the negative attitude of resources, this shows that in the graduation ceremony speech Speaking in the context of all speakers tend to express a positive attitude to the graduates position. Specifically, all speakers are trying to use "tendency" and "safe" emotional resources to express wishes to the graduates, expectations and trust. Although the judgment is the minimal use of resources, but is the English speakers are based on the "work ability" and "firm and indomitable" to evaluate the behavior of individuals. In resources, the speakers have tried to use the "inclusive" and "recognition" resources to expand dialogue space, and all of them through the intervention and emphasized rather than direct negation and alternative to limit the dialogue with others. On graduation resources, speakers tend to use more "strong" language "" resource to enhance the attitude and position of the degree of involvement. The difference: in general, China university commencement speakers use more resources to strengthen graduation Or weaken the attitude and position of the degree of involvement, while the United States University commencement speakers use more resources to adjust its value in position, so as to expand or contract with the audience dialogue space. Specifically, the attitude of resources, in the context of Chinese commencement speech, the speaker uses more "happy" emotional resources to cater to the context. American speakers tend to use appreciation resources evaluation things social value. When evaluating the behavior of the individual, China speaker based more on people's "reliability / robustness" quality evaluation, and the speakers will pay more attention to the individual "work ability". China involved, the speaker tried to contraction conversation with the audience space. The speaker trying to expand dialogue space. Specifically, the speakers use more "inclusive" and "dialogic expansion resources building and recognition" The harmonious relationship between the audience. Chinese speakers use a lot of "emphasis" resources to limit with the different voices of the dialogue space. This paper also points out the similarities and differences between the context and cultural reasons. On the one hand, all speakers use university commencement speech occasion convey a positive attitude and look forward to the graduates, give them a blessing and encouragement. Common context is the resources of Chinese and American universities commencement address the similarities of the main reasons. On the other hand, the evaluation of different resources is due to the cultural differences between China and America. America's mainstream values of individualism, competition and progress, change and uncertainty, and the culture of Christianity. In the United States factors explain the college graduation speech based on personal judgment and appreciation of things of social value evaluation of discourse phenomena The reason. In addition, because I believe that changes and uncertainty, American college graduation speaker to expand the dialogue with other people to use more space dialogue resource expansion. By contrast, the mainstream value Chinese concept is the pursuit of interpersonal harmony of the collective. This is why Chinese university commencement speaker to express more positive emotion and based on the evaluation of human reliability. Furthermore, because the collective emphasize Collective internal norms and beliefs, so Chinese college graduation speaker through more emphasis and personal intervention to reduce and other dialogue space. This study provides an important reference for the college graduation speech writing and comprehension, the speaker should choose appropriate evaluation of vocabulary to realize the interpersonal meaning of a particular audience, should be familiar with these evaluation language to better identify the speaker's attitude, position and form Map.



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