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发布时间:2018-01-16 20:32

  本文关键词:英语轻动词与动转名词搭配特征研究——基于“词汇体”分布的实证研究 出处:《外国语(上海外国语大学学报)》2017年06期  论文类型:期刊论文

  更多相关文章: 英语轻动词 动转名词 搭配 词汇体

[Abstract]:This paper starts from the aspect of lexical aspect in posture theory. Smith 1997). The common and similar collocation characteristics of six kinds of high-frequency light verb structures in make/do/get/have/give/take were investigated by the five-point method. The corpora and native speaker score showed that: 1). Overall. Most of the verb nouns collocated legally with light verbs have "dynamic", "reach" and "single variant" kinds of verb nouns are widely distributed; 2) there are differences in the aspect characteristics between the verb and the light verb collocation, among which the "instantaneous" feature of the light verb and the verb change noun has the characteristic of "homogeneity and attraction". But "result sex" can not predict the collocation of the two; 3) the lexical aspect of light verb and verb turn noun does not have the same collocation trend completely, among them, the light verb of "finish" and "activity" type is easier to collocate with the similar verb change noun. It is easier to collocate the "reach" kind of light verb with the "single variable" type verb. This paper explains the above results from the compatibility of aspect characteristics and the "intention" function of the light verb structure.
【作者单位】: 苏州大学外国语学院;贵州医科大学外国语学院;
【正文快照】: 1.引言轻动词与动转名词的搭配是英语中常见的多词结构(如take a look,give an order)。“轻动词(light verb)”由实词语义在一定程度上虚化而来(Jesperson 1942),“动转名词(deverbal noun)”由动词用法名化而来,两者的搭配常被称为轻动词结构(Light Verb Constructions,下文


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