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发布时间:2018-01-18 12:35

  本文关键词:元认知知识、词汇量及句法意识对英语阅读理解的影响 出处:《山东大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 元认知知识 词汇量 句法意识 英语阅读理解 阅读教学

【摘要】:本文旨在研究元认知知识,词汇量和句法意识对英语阅读的影响。基于侧重分析阅读成分的成分分析法和已有的相关实证研究,本文提出了以下三个问题..第一、阅读能力高的学生和阅读能力低的学生在元认知知识,词汇量和句法意识方面的表现有什么样的显著差异?第二、元认知知识,词汇量和句法知识这三个变量与阅读理解的相关关系如何?第三、元认知知识,词汇量和句法知识这三个变量对阅读理解具有多少预测力?本研究以山东大学英语专业四个班级的67名二年级学生为研究对象。参与本研究时,这些学生刚刚开始大二阶段的学习。本研究采用定量研究方法,测试工具包括元认知知识调查问卷,句法知识测试,词汇量测试和阅读理解测试。测试形式为纸笔测试。测试在四个班依次展开,每个班中的测试时间总计为80分钟,分为两个阶段:第一个阶段,词汇量测试和句法知识测试;第二个阶段,阅读理解测试和元认知知识调查问卷。所有测试在一周内完成。调查研究所取得的数据将输入SPSS 19.0进行统计分析。将阅读理解测试成绩由高到低进行排序,取成绩前1/3的学生组成阅读高水平组,成绩后1/3的学生组成阅读低水平组。通过独立样本t检验,相关分析和回归分析进行数据分析。研究结果表明,阅读能力高的学生和阅读能力低的学生在词汇量和句法知识方面存在显著差异,在元认知知识方面不存在显著差异。其次,相关分析表明,词汇量和句法知识均与阅读理解之间存在显著相关关系,元认知知识与阅读理解之间没有显著的相关关系。最后,回归分析表明,句法知识和词汇量对英语阅读理解具有显著预测能力,元认知知识不具有显著预测能力。本研究发现具有重要的实践和理论意义。在理论上,此研究可以验证成分分析法,有助于更好地理解不同因素对阅读理解的影响。在实践上,鉴于元认知知识,词汇量和句法意识对英语阅读的独特影响,为了提高阅读教学的效率,英语教师应调整阅读课堂中的教学活动。阅读教学活动应尽可能结合多个因素来提高学生的阅读水平,如元认知知识,词汇量和句法意识,而不应仅仅集中于某一个方面。
[Abstract]:The purpose of this study is to study the effects of metacognitive knowledge, vocabulary and syntactic awareness on English reading. First, what are the significant differences in metacognitive knowledge, vocabulary and syntactic awareness between students with high reading ability and those with low reading ability? Second, what is the correlation between metacognitive knowledge, vocabulary size and syntactic knowledge and reading comprehension? Thirdly, how much predictive power does metacognitive knowledge, vocabulary size and syntactic knowledge have on reading comprehension? In this study, 67 sophomores in four classes of English major in Shandong University were selected as the subjects. These students were just beginning their sophomore study at the time of this study. The test tools include a questionnaire on metacognitive knowledge, a test on syntactic knowledge, a vocabulary test and a reading comprehension test. The test time in each class is 80 minutes, which is divided into two stages: the first stage, the vocabulary test and the syntax knowledge test; Stage two. Reading comprehension test and metacognitive knowledge questionnaire. All tests are completed within one week. Data from the survey will be entered into SPSS. 19.0 Statistical analysis. Ranking reading comprehension test scores from high to low. The top 1/3 students were selected as reading high level group and 1/3 students as low reading level group. The data were analyzed by independent sample t-test, correlation analysis and regression analysis. There are significant differences in vocabulary and syntactic knowledge between students with high reading ability and those with low reading ability, but there is no significant difference in metacognitive knowledge. Secondly, correlation analysis shows that. There is a significant correlation between vocabulary and syntactic knowledge and reading comprehension, while there is no significant correlation between metacognitive knowledge and reading comprehension. Syntactic knowledge and vocabulary are significant predictors of English reading comprehension, but metacognitive knowledge is not. This study can verify the influence of different factors on reading comprehension. In practice, given the unique influence of metacognitive knowledge, vocabulary size and syntactic awareness on English reading. In order to improve the efficiency of reading teaching, English teachers should adjust the teaching activities in reading class. Reading teaching activities should combine as many factors as possible to improve students' reading level, such as metacognitive knowledge. Vocabulary and syntactic awareness should not be concentrated only on one aspect.


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