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发布时间:2018-01-18 13:06

  本文关键词:高一英语阅读教学中的批判性思维培养现状调查 出处:《四川师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 高一英语阅读教学 批判性思维培养 现状调查

[Abstract]:Critical thinking began in the West, and in -40s, a wave of critical thinking, led by the United States, emerged. Compared with the West, there is a lack of research on critical thinking in China. -20s. With the development of foreign research, critical thinking began to be gradually introduced into China. In the last ten years, domestic researchers have carried out research on it, and show a rising trend year by year. In pedagogy, psychology. In recent years, some scholars in China have paid close attention to the cultivation of critical thinking in English teaching. English teaching also gradually pays attention to the cultivation of critical thinking of students, but most of the research focuses on the cultivation of critical thinking of college students. However, there are relatively few researches on the cultivation of critical thinking in high school students. This study is based on Bloom's taxonomy of educational objectives and Fischner's theory of critical thinking skills. Using Fessina's California critical thinking disposition questionnaire and combining the psychological cognitive characteristics and reading characteristics of senior high school students, this paper studies the critical thinking tendency of senior high school students. This paper discusses the specific ways of cultivating critical thinking in English reading class and explores the teaching of English reading. In this study, 125 senior high school students and 2 senior English teachers were randomly selected to study the factors affecting the students' thinking. What is the current situation of critical thinking tendency of Senior one students? (2) what is the actual situation of teachers' practice in training students' critical thinking in real English reading classes? What factors affect the cultivation of critical thinking in English reading teaching? This study uses SPSS18.0 software to analyze the questionnaire data, combined with classroom observation and interview materials analysis results, the results are as follows: 1) generally speaking. The critical thinking tendency of the freshmen studied is weak. Specifically, they are pursuing truth. The tendency of ideological openness and maturity is the weakest. (2) Teachers consciously cultivate students' critical thinking in reading class, but some practices fail to achieve their goal. In particular, the factors that affect the cultivation of this thinking are: teachers' understanding of the thinking, students' interest in reading and their English proficiency.


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