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发布时间:2018-01-20 13:01

  本文关键词: 遏制战略 文本话语 批评话语分析 分类法 身份 对外政策 出处:《外语研究》2016年06期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:Post-structuralism believes that language has meaning through the construction of identity and foreign policy, and forms a certain discourse, which connects the appearance of identity with foreign policy, and serves as the main tool of critical discourse analysis. Classification is intended to use language to opposites people or objects to produce cognitive categories. This representation, on the one hand, reflects the existence of ideological forces behind the text, and on the other. It is also the basic means to construct the identity of discourse. Therefore, the classification is regarded as an analytical tool under the consideration of the triangular relationship of discourse, cognition and society. This paper studies the classification of the primary text of "containment" strategy from the perspective of critical discourse analysis, in order to reveal the main strategies and specific paths of discourse identity construction and foreign policy. In order to deepen the understanding of the relationship between discourse and society, it reveals the social cognition behind the "containment" strategy as the dominant discourse of American foreign policy.
【作者单位】: 天津科技大学外国语学院;外交学院;
【正文快照】: 0.引言就国家安全战略而言,自“冷战”开始,美国才成为一个自觉制定国家安全战略体系的超级大国,因为二战是美国从奉行“孤立主义”(isolationism)走向世界霸权的转折点。当时,美国眼中的战后世界发生了巨大变化:不到两年的时间,曾经的盟友,希望战后可以共管世界的伙伴苏联,被


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