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发布时间:2018-01-20 17:00

  本文关键词: 模拟同传 释意理论 漏译 错译 逻辑混乱 出处:《吉林大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:本次口译实践选取加拿大阿尔伯塔大学教授Daniel Fried在吉林大学文学院的英文讲座“Current Situation and Trend of Asian Studies in North America”为材料,对其进行模拟同声传译。演讲者Daniel Fried教授师从著名汉学家宇文所安,是北美屈指可数的中西文学批评史专家。该讲座在概述北美洲亚洲研究的现状和趋势的基础上,着重阐述了东西文化存在的差异及成因。在学术交流活动中,语言是获取信息的主要途径,而口译在信息传递过程中起到至关重要的作用。高质量的口译不仅能够提高信息有效性,更是国际间交流活动顺利进行的保障。作者意在通过本次模拟活动积累同传经验,总结讲座类口译的一般规律。同时,作者在处理信息缺失、错译问题时,应用释义理论和精力分配模型可以减少漏译和错译等口译学习者经常犯的错误;对于口译中出现的逻辑混乱问题,则需要应用语序调整和信息重组的方法解决。只有通过合理应用口译技巧,掌握源语的实质含义,才能够实现有效的语言转换,完成高质量的同声传译任务。
[Abstract]:Daniel Fried, Professor of the University of Alberta, Canada, is chosen to give an English lecture on "Current Situation and" at the School of Arts of Jilin University. Trend of Asian Studies in North America ". The speaker, Professor Daniel Fried, studied under the famous Sinologist Yu Wenan. He is a rare expert in the history of Chinese and Western literary criticism in North America. Based on an overview of the current situation and trend of Asian studies in North America, the lecture focuses on the differences and causes of East and West cultures. Language is the main way to obtain information, and interpretation plays an important role in the process of information transmission. High quality interpretation can not only improve the effectiveness of information. The author intends to sum up the general rules of lecture interpretation through this simulation. At the same time, the author is dealing with the problem of missing information and misinterpreting. The application of interpretation theory and energy allocation model can reduce the errors often made by interpreting learners, such as omission and mistranslation. The problem of logic confusion in interpreting needs to be solved by word order adjustment and information recombination. Only through the rational application of interpretation skills can the source language be understood. In order to achieve effective language conversion, complete the task of high quality simultaneous interpretation.


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1 柯克尔;从口译实践到口译教学[J];中国翻译;2003年02期

2 仲伟合;英汉同声传译技巧与训练[J];中国翻译;2001年05期

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1 谭艳萍;从认知负荷模式看译前准备对提高口译质量的作用[D];广东外语外贸大学;2009年

2 毛莉君;奈达翻译理论指导下的政治口译[D];江西师范大学;2015年




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