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发布时间:2018-01-23 15:13

  本文关键词: 语言迁移 大学生 中式英语错误 原因 启示 出处:《吉林大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:In the process of learning a second language, it is inevitable that students will be transferred to their mother tongue of the first language. This paper explores the errors and problems in the English learning of non-English majors and analyzes the causes of the transfer. At the same time, it provides some implications for English teaching. Firstly, this paper discusses the theories related to this study, such as language transfer theory, error analysis, interlanguage theory and so on. This paper contrasts and distinguishes English and Chinese as the theoretical basis for the empirical study. Secondly, it takes the students' English composition as the research material. Error analysis and statistics. Students of non-English majors are required to write an English essay in class. Then, students are asked to re-write in the form of after-school work and receive their compositions uniformly. After reviewing the students' compositions twice, we find out the Chinglish errors in vocabulary, grammar and content, and classify, analyze, analyze and summarize the errors. Finally, it is concluded that there are many Chinglish errors in college students' English language, such as multiple verbs, income sentences, language redundancy and so on. Thirdly, the same students are divided into higher levels according to their grades and performance. In the middle and low three groups, the English pragmatic communication questionnaire is designed to calculate the pass rate of students' scores in each group. According to the answers provided by the students, the students in each group are judged comprehensively whether they can use English communication correctly. Finally, it is found that there are some Chinese-style pragmatic errors in English pragmatic communication, such as applying Chinese idioms, Chinese-style communicative languages, Chinese-style cultural thinking and so on. Finally, the reasons for mother tongue transfer are analyzed. Through the research, it is found that the college students have the problem of mother tongue transfer in vocabulary, grammar and language use, combined with the error analysis in the composition and questionnaire. This thesis mainly includes five parts: chapter one: introduction. This paper briefly introduces the research background of the subject. Chapter two: literature review. It mainly introduces the theories related to this topic, such as transfer theory, error analysis theory and interlanguage theory. Chapter three: research design. It points out the research questions, research objects, and research methods, including: composition error statistics, situational response questionnaire test. Chapter 4th: research results and discussion. The error analysis method is used to analyze the error samples in the students' composition and questionnaire tests, and the errors are classified and counted. Finally, the students' vocabulary is obtained. There are errors and problems in grammar and pragmatics, and the causes of transfer are analyzed. Chapter 5th: conclusion. The results of this study are summarized, and the defects and shortcomings are pointed out.


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