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发布时间:2018-01-25 02:32

  本文关键词: 语篇衔接 古代茶学典籍 英译策略 互文性 跨文化交际 出处:《福建茶叶》2017年04期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:As a living fossil presenting the essence of Chinese traditional tea culture, the ancient Chinese tea books contain the most primitive, original and fresh wisdom of tea culture. Chinese tea culture is the most important classical works in the process of Chinese tea culture spreading abroad and in the course of contemporary tea study. Therefore, strengthening the translation innovation of these works is the development of Chinese tea culture, from big to strong. From the perspective of translatology, the spiritual connotation of "whole-text cohesion" lies in that the basic cognitive unit of translation should be "whole-text cohesion". Instead of "fragmented sentences": the core meaning of text translation "whole cohesion" is intertextuality: text and language intercultural communication should pay attention to "system function" The main problem in the English translation of ancient Chinese tea books is that the inter-text and intertextual texts are not well considered; There is a lack of coherence in the translation of intra-text sentences and lexical combinations. Based on the perspective of textual cohesion, the English translation strategies of ancient tea classics can be proposed to try intertext-citation translation strategies. Translation strategies based on parallel corpus.
【作者单位】: 上海外国语大学贤达经济人文学院;
【正文快照】: 中国是茶叶的故乡,也是世界茶文化的主要发源地。在几千年形成的以“儒家思想为核心”、以“道家思想”、“佛家思想”为重要构成内容的 中国茶文化传播过程中,逐步形成了以“养生、修性、怡情、尊礼”为主要内涵的价值观念体系和交际准则体系。在中国传统文化中,茶文化是一种


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