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发布时间:2018-01-26 02:45

  本文关键词: 目的论 词性转换 消除贫困 贸易 出处:《四川外国语大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:本文是一份翻译项目报告。原文选自世界银行出版专栏中的一份报告,题为《贸易在消除贫困中的作用》(The Role of Trade in Ending Poverty)。本翻译项目节译了其中的第一章和第二章。该报告由世贸组织和世行集团联合编写。第一章论述了全球经济增长与贸易和贫困之间的宏观联系;第二章阐明了发展中国家农村地区的农民和穷人面临的经济发展限制,包括冲突、非正式工作和性别差异。本翻译报告包含四部分。第一章在总体上介绍了翻译项目,包括项目背景、译前准备、项目意义、项目结构;第二章介绍了原作内容、原作者简介与写作特色。译者认为只有充分了解原文的相关背景与主题才能传达出准确信息;第三章为本翻译报告重点,包括翻译理论基础,翻译难点和翻译方法。原报告涉及经济贸易,有很多专业术语和长难句,译者按照目的论指导翻译,采用了拆分法,重新梳理逻辑,传达原文信息,同时,也采用了词性转换、增译和省略法,并注重了中英文的表达差异。第四章总结了本次翻译实践的所获与不足。译者希望能通过这篇翻译项目为社会做一点贡献,让更多的人认识到穷人面临的风险和限制,以及为了消除贫困我们可以做出那些努力,以便能让全球贸易惠及更大人群,改善偏远山区的经济条件和环境。
[Abstract]:This is a translation project report. The original text is from a World Bank publishing column. "the Role of Trade in Ending poverty eradication." This translation project includes chapters I and II. The report was prepared jointly by the World Trade Organization and the World Bank Group. Chapter I deals with the macroeconomic linkages between global economic growth and trade and poverty; Chapter II sets out the economic development constraints, including conflicts, faced by farmers and the poor in rural areas of developing countries. Informal work and gender differences. This translation report consists of four parts. The first chapter introduces the translation projects in general, including project background, pre-translation preparation, project meaning and project structure; The second chapter introduces the content of the original work, the author's brief introduction and writing characteristics. The translator thinks that only by fully understanding the relevant background and theme of the original text can accurate information be conveyed. Chapter three is the focus of this translation report, including the theoretical basis of translation, translation difficulties and translation methods. The original report deals with economic and trade, has many technical terms and long difficult sentences, and the translator guides translation according to Skopos theory. The split method is used to rearrange the logic to convey the original information, and at the same time, the part of speech conversion, incremental translation and ellipsis are also used. Chapter 4th summarizes the achievements and shortcomings of this translation practice. The translator hopes to make a little contribution to the society through this translation project. To make more people aware of the risks and constraints faced by the poor and what we can do to eradicate poverty so that global trade can reach larger populations and improve economic conditions and the environment in remote mountain areas.


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