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发布时间:2018-01-27 16:42

  本文关键词: 《哀希腊》 语言学诗学 话语结构 心智材料 诗歌语法 出处:《中国比较文学》2017年02期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:The century-old Chinese translation history of "sad Greece", which began in 1902, reflects the process in which different translators bring Byron's poetry into the historical context and inject it into individual life. There is only one source text. The target text can be infinitely derived; The target text not only transforms the source text but also interacts with each other in the interlingual communication system. The anxiety of the existentialism and influence of the target text is also highlighted here. Liang Qichao. Ma Junwu's translation of "sad Greece" serves the political and religious situation in the current situation and promotes the image of Byron and the protagonist of poetry as the cultural imagination constructed by the ideology of enlightenment and salvation. Su Manshu, Hu Shi. While considering interlingual communication, ChaLiangzheng and others have made great efforts to explore the common grammar between the East and West Literary Aesthetic Community and the literary language. These are the poetic creative translation practices that trace back to ancient times and present. In the foreign literary world, which is far from the source language and culture, Greece has become a literary classic and a kaleidoscope for the translation of modern Chinese literature.
【作者单位】: 上海外国语大学英语学院;
【基金】:中国博士后科学基金第58批面上资助一等资助(2015M580343) 2015年度上海市“晨光计划”项目资助(15CG31)
【正文快照】: 英国著名诗人拜伦的诗篇《哀希腊》(The Isles of Greece)在近现代汉语翻译界所受的青睐大概是其他英语文学作品难以匹敌的。这首“墙里开花墙外香”的诗作在与源语言文化地相隔遥远的中国被关注的程度,远甚于拜伦在英语评论界被首肯的其他作品,个中原因值得我们深思。截至200


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