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发布时间:2018-01-28 00:31

  本文关键词: 跨文化意识 体验式教学 英语 出处:《四川师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Since 2001, "Cultural consciousness" has been proposed as an independent teaching goal in the English Curriculum Standard for Full-time compulsory Education (Experimental draft) for the first time. Its role has been affirmed, and one of the important components, cross-cultural awareness, has always been the focus of teaching research. At present, English teaching exists symbolization. The specific problems of objectification and dissitutionization of teaching process. Cross-cultural consciousness has the characteristics of sensitivity, nationality and unconsciousness. This study tries to explain the process of the formation of cross-cultural consciousness through the perspective of perceptual experience. Then explore the cross-cultural awareness of experiential teaching model and training strategies, the full text is divided into four parts. The first part of a systematic review of language learning and cultural awareness of the relevant research, from philosophy, psychology. The development of experiential teaching has been combed from the perspectives of aesthetics and teaching. In the past ten years, educators have put forward many ways to cultivate cross-cultural consciousness. On this basis, this study establishes an experiential path for the cultivation of cross-cultural consciousness. The second part analyzes the characteristics of cross-cultural consciousness from the perspectives of sociology, philosophy and psychology. And from the content of cross-cultural consciousness, discusses his structural elements. The third part is based on experience. On the basis of reality and theory, this paper analyzes the relationship between cross-cultural consciousness and experiential teaching. And explore the reasons for the adoption of experiential learning and put forward cross-cultural awareness of the development of experiential learning approach. 4th, based on the empirical approach analysis and primary school English classroom case study. This paper expounds the experiential teaching mode of cultivating cross-cultural consciousness, and then puts forward the experiential teaching strategy. This study combs the current research theory and practice of cross-cultural consciousness and experiential teaching at home and abroad through literature analysis. Classroom behavior of teachers observed by entering school practice. And excerpts of the fragment as a case analysis and synthesis. Finally, form a cross-cultural awareness of the experience of teaching model, and on this basis to form an experiential teaching strategy. And then promote the development of cross-cultural consciousness.


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