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发布时间:2018-01-29 08:39

  本文关键词: 生生互动教学模式 师生互动 有效教学 初中英语 出处:《长春师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Since the development of interactive teaching, teacher-student interaction and student student interaction is two interactive way more common in the classroom. And now the student student interaction mode is more and more importance, and in group cooperation form, but in the actual teaching, teachers are more focus on the interactive mode of teaching. "Base" and "false interaction" still exists. The teaching students how to use effective interactive mode. The author believes that we should first do understand the characteristics of the development of every student, to promote the development of the initiative, the past passive learning into active learning. Then teachers should take the students as the center in the classroom, let the students to become the main body of the classroom, teachers play a supporting role. But in the classroom teaching, but there are still some factors make the classroom activities reach good results, affect the effectiveness of classroom teaching. The English class Hall and student student interaction combination mode, trying to through this research, to provide some effective suggestions for the current curriculum reform. Facing these problems, we must constantly thinking: for backward students, how to realize the student-centered philosophy of education, the students' interaction mode in order to better carry on good. To solve these problems, this research mainly aimed at a middle school students take the interactive teaching experiment. Through the experimental results and the corresponding answer the following two questions: 1. in junior high school English teaching process, students interaction mode is conducive to better improve the junior high school students' English achievement? 2. to take interest in teaching interaction between students and students of junior middle school students learning English have what effect? The author based on a lot of reading, comprehensive out some support students' interaction mode theory, including: Constructivism Theory Theory, social learning theory and social learning theory of Bandura, and made a careful study. In the interaction between students and students under the guidance of the models, the author carried out a teaching practice of one semester of the two classes in a junior middle school. The experimental class experiment setup to students interaction mode of teaching and the control class in the interactive pattern of teaching, comparative teaching experiment. The other way is used, for example, data analysis, interviews and questionnaire, made a comparative analysis fully. From the experimental results can be found: take students interactive mode of teaching, can further improve the learning achievement of junior high school students to a great extent. Take students interactive mode of teaching, can greatly improve the students' interest in learning English, students' learning initiative, and students' cooperation ability Significantly enhanced. Students interaction teaching mode can make teacher-student relationship and student student relationship becomes more harmonious. The relative interaction between teachers and students teaching mode, student student interaction of junior high school students can make the class more concentrate on listening, enhance the learning interest of students. But teaching also has its need to pay attention to, such as: the learning process in the students' participation is different, too many classes, sometimes is not easy to control the classroom discipline, sometimes neglected by the students in the classroom psychological and emotional. This has yet to be teaching workers to conduct in-depth inquiry, and weaknesses in the teaching, better play the biggest advantage of students' interaction teaching. To sum up, this paper the study can basically achieve the desired purpose. The students' interaction model for teaching has certain advantages, but also can improve the students' daily learning efficiency to a great extent Rate, and their interest in learning has been enhanced, produce better learning habits. Provide reference for this research achievements can also on teaching English.



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