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发布时间:2018-01-29 18:05

  本文关键词: 农村中小学 英语教学 教学衔接 出处:《山东师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:At present, English has long been included in the primary school curriculum, and the primary school English curriculum content is mostly basic English knowledge, after entering junior high school. The teaching mode, learning habits and methods of English teaching in primary school are not suitable for junior middle school English teaching, resulting in students' English proficiency is not satisfactory. This phenomenon is more obvious in rural areas, rural primary and secondary English education cohesion problems followed. Analysis of the reasons, put forward measures to solve the students' English cohesion after the primary rise. The starting points of the research are different, mainly focused on the teaching methods of teachers, classroom management and classroom teaching activities, as well as the lack of students' own learning strategies and so on. However, combining closely with the reality of rural English teaching in Linqu, analyzing the reasons, putting forward effective countermeasures of English teaching cohesion is still quite lacking. This paper uses constructivism theory. Based on the theory of multiple intelligences, through literature analysis, questionnaire survey, teacher interviews, classroom observation and other methods to collect real data. Then, combined with interview data and classroom observation. From the two levels of students and teachers, including students' learning motivation and interest, English learning adaptability, teaching evaluation feedback and so on, the teacher level includes teachers' attitude towards teaching cohesion. The use of curriculum standards and teaching materials, classroom teaching, teacher exchanges and other aspects. Thus, the following problems exist in the cohesion of English teaching in rural primary and secondary schools: the intrinsic motivation of students learning English needs to be further stimulated; Teachers' attention to students' adaptability needs to be further improved; English teachers in primary and secondary schools have a weak sense of teaching cohesion; There are differences in the teaching modes of English teachers in primary and secondary schools; The evaluation methods of English teaching in primary and secondary schools need to be diversified; There is a lack of communication and communication among English teachers in primary and secondary schools. Finally, a series of countermeasures are put forward.


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