本文关键词: 汉学家 《离骚》 译注 文化形象 出处:《外语与外语教学》2017年02期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:By comparing the similarities and differences between the images of "cultural hero", "beauty", "witch" and "god", which are constructed in the English translation notes of Yu Wensu-an, Watson and Hawkes, this paper applies imageology. Exegetics analyzes the manifestations of different images and the cultural values, academic thoughts and cultural attitudes of the different translators behind them. Yu is inclined to "consecrate" the image of Confucian sage and "deify" the figure of Chinese mythology. Watson paid attention to the secularization of Confucian and Taoist images. Hawkes, on the other hand, combined the Chinese and western images. Therefore, it is believed that YuWensuan and Watson's notes basically follow the interpretation of the exegetics of ancient Chinese scholars of Chu ci. Hawkes' translation not only inherits the tradition of Chinese national culture, but also pays attention to the acceptance of western readers. However, due to his own identity of western native culture and the lack of textual research on the literature background. Their construction of Chinese cultural image is bound to be misread. However, the translation of these Sinologists has important implications for the translation and dissemination of Chinese classics.
【作者单位】: 华中师范大学外国语学院;
【正文快照】: 1. 引言 西方汉学家有借助中国典籍译注解释中国文化的核心价值,通过译注建构中国文化形象的传统。译注不仅是重要的翻译策略,而且反映了译者的文化态度,是中国文化形象建构的具体体现,也是学术话语的建构的方式。英国汉学家大卫·霍克思在《南方之歌》(The Song of the Sout
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