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发布时间:2018-01-31 11:16

  本文关键词: 范畴化释义 语义韵 同义词 五大学习词典 出处:《广东外语外贸大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The similarity of synonyms is easy to be confused and has always been a difficulty for second language learners to acquire. However, as an important reference tool, the mainstream English-Chinese dictionaries have the same interpretation of synonyms. The interpretation is the core and soul of the dictionary, which should be more accurate, concise and systematic. In the framework of categorization theory, this paper optimizes the synonym interpretation model of the learning dictionary. At the same time, semantic prosody is regarded as one of the distinguishing features of synonymous category words. The optimized interpretation aims to perfect the deficiency of synonym interpretation in existing learning dictionaries. Firstly, a comparative study of the corpus is conducted to reveal the differences between native speakers and Chinese second language learners in the semantic prosody of English output. The paper also discusses the possible causes of this distinction, and then analyzes the research object in the contemporary American English corpus, that is, synonymous category words that can be distinguished by semantic rhyme features. The semantic prosody features of these synonyms are obtained. Then, the interpretation of these synonyms is found in the five English and Chinese learning dictionaries. And the interpretation of the problems are summarized. Finally, in view of the interpretation of the problems. This paper proposes to optimize the interpretation of synonyms in learning dictionaries under the framework of categorization theory and gives concrete examples. The main findings of this thesis are: (1) Chinese English learners have insufficient understanding of lexical semantic prosody features. The collocation of incongruous semantic prosody in English output is influenced by negative transfer of mother tongue, overgeneralization and insufficient input of language. 2) it is processed by a large number of corpus data. The synonymous category words which can be distinguished by semantic rhyme features are obtained, and the semantic rhyme analysis of these category words is carried out. It is found that semantic prosody plays an important role in synonymy discrimination. 3) the five major English-Chinese learning dictionaries have no distinctive features in the interpretation of synonyms, and lack of systematization and standardization. In view of synonymous category words which can be distinguished by semantic rhyme features, the interpretation of learning dictionary lacks the necessary semantic rhyme information. 4) aiming at the interpretation of the existing learning dictionary. This paper puts forward the definition of synonym category from the perspective of semantic prosody. The new interpretation can help Chinese English learners to distinguish synonyms more accurately. At the same time, it also makes the definition of learning dictionary more concise, systematic and standardized.


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