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发布时间:2018-01-31 22:25

  本文关键词: 认知构式语法 致使移动构式 下位构式 构式化 隐喻和转喻 heart/head 出处:《外语教学》2016年06期  论文类型:期刊论文

【摘要】:在上位抽象构式统辖下的详实句可能会以自我为中心邀约其他词语而发展为框架构式。本研究通过对宾语为heart和head的致使移动构式句(如:John laughed his head off.)进行调查证明了这一点。这两个下位构式以名词为常项借助转喻和隐喻识解以消解误配并提高其抽象度。这两个构式引申和扩容的独特方式在共时维度上展现能产构式承继网络的复杂性,在历时维度上揭示相关的构式调变和构式化。
[Abstract]:Detailed sentences under the control of epistatic abstract construction may develop into frame structure with self-centered solicitation of other words. In this study, we studied the causative mobile construction of objects (heart and head). John laughed his head off. This is proved by the investigation. These two subconstructions use nouns as constant terms to eliminate mismatch and improve their abstractness by means of metonymy and metaphorical interpretation. The unique ways in which these two constructions extend and expand show their ability in synchronic dimensions. The complexity of the productively inherited network. The diachronic dimension reveals the related structural variations and structuring.
【作者单位】: 浙江大学外国语言文化与国际交流学院;贵州大学外国语学院;
【正文快照】: 1.引言认知构式语法所定义的能产性构式是指抽象的框架构式,下辖例示它的构式群。当前学界主要关注上层抽象构式对其下构式句的统辖和整合,并考察不同动词语义形成的构式承继句群。但是具体的构式句能形成框架构式吗?学界对此讨论甚少。具体地问,语义详实的构式句能以宾语名词




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